"Well I have some advice for you then" I said and he raised a brow "What is it?"

"Just tell her that you're a time leaper, as a matter of fact.....you should probably tell Mikey and Draken as well" I said and his eyes widened "W-wait what! I can't do that!" He said and I raised a brow "How come?"

He quickly stood up "That could change the whole future!" He said and I scoffed "Uh duh, that's the damn point idiot" I snapped and he looked down "But what happens if.....this causes some traumatic event in the future" he said and I sighed "Takemichi, I already know your secret so if something bad was going to happen then I'm sure that it would've happened by now" I said and he looked down at me.

I had a good feeling about this.

"I've told you this before but I'm going to say it again, you and Hinata are going to get married in the future" I said and he sighed while looking down "I don't-"

I clamped a hand over his mouth "I'll personally keep your younger self in check, I'll make it my mission" I said and his eyes widened slightly "h-....huh?" He asked and I grinned "Whenever I see him acting up, I'll beat his ass and then he'll have no choice BUT to listen to me!" I said and he sweatdropped "Thanks Y/N but don't kill me" No promises.

"Of course not, anyways.....this plan should work!" I said and he smiled while placing a hand on my shoulder "Thanks for everything that you've been doing to help me out Y/N, I know that it's stressful" he said and I grinned "Thank YOU Takemichi, seriously" I said and he smiled "The future will be good"

"We should tell Mikey, most definitely" I said and he sighed "If you really think that it's a good idea then we can" he said and I smiled while nodding my head.

"Him and Draken are hanging out right now so I'll tell him later on or whenever we hang out again" I said and he raised a brow "I'm surprised that you've gotten away from him for this long"

"Well this was by pure luck, I told him that he needed to hang out with Draken since he hadn't seen him in a while and then he tried to convince me to come with them but I said hell no so now I'm here" I explained quickly and he rubbed the back of his neck while he laughed at my mini story.

"You and Mikey are something else"

"Anyways I'll inform Mikey about your abilities and uh you can tell Hinata" I said and he nodded "Ok that's probably for the best!" He said and I hummed "It is, I'm sure of it"

Well not really but I'm running out of ideas.

I heard my phone go off and I looked down to see a text from Hinata. She told me about Takemichi's little 'cheating, lying, filthy, dirty self. She wasn't wrong.

"You might want to tell your girlfriend now before she keeps tossing insults at you, even though they're quite amusing" I chuckled as I read the word 'player'.

"INSULTS! NO HINA" he exclaimed as he ran out of his house and I rolled my eyes "Idiot"

I grabbed my bag and left his house as well.

I guess it's about time that Mikey figures out that we have a time traveler as a friend, It might save us other hassles in the future. Heh.....get what I did there?

Anyways, I picked up my phone and noticed the time.

I still had time to take a nap before Mikey had planned on coming over So I headed back to the house and walked up to my room.

Mana and Luna were at daycare, Mitsuya wasn't home and his mom was rarely home.

He's quite responsible for his age.

I was glad that I didn't have to entertain the girls even though I love hanging out with them.

Sometimes, it was draining.

I couldn't watch another cartoon or play with another doll.

I flopped down on my bed and looked down at my phone as I began texting Hinata back. I simply told her to listen to what Takemichi was about to tell her, hopefully she's open minded.

I know that it's extremely hard to believe.

Heck, I wouldn't have been able to believe it if it wasn't for the incidents that have led up to now. I'm only alive right now because of him.....insane.

To think, I got saved by a complete crybaby.

I find that very amusing.

I had begun to think about Mikey's birthday and what I wanted to plan for that day. I was thinking of throwing a small get together with the members of Toman since he'd probably like that.

I could get loads of Dorayaki as well.

I'm sure he'd have fun or he'd sleep.

He'd probably sleep.

I smiled at the thought of the boy.

He always seemed to bring a smile to my face, even when I was mad at him. Somehow.....I couldn't bring myself to ever dislike him and I'd be any idiot to break up with him.

I made sure to set an alarm for 3 hours, That would be the perfect nap. I turned my phone off and sighed before laying it on my bedside table.

I turned my lamp off and closed my eyes.

My last thoughts were about Mikey's birthday as I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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