Watch This

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Joeys Pov:
After the show

After the show you could just tell Y/n was drained physically. She was now on her brother's back being carried to the changing room. It was cute, the way her arms dangled over his shoulders and her head buried into his neck like a small child. Corey caught me looking and gave me that 'fuck off' face. You could tell he was tired as well. Hell we gave it our all out there we were all tired. As we got to the changing room Corey sat his sister down onto the couch leaving her to just sit there.

"that was fucking awesome" she whispered. I just chuckled and patted her shoulder.

"You did amazing out there. Never once did you leave the stage during switch offs. you stayed there the whole time." I said to her which she smiled at

"I'm a badass, what can I say" she says as she gets up to get water. I chuckle at her words and take a seat onto the couch. I look over to see Craig smirking at me.

"The hell do you want Craig?" I asked with a slight laugh. He just waved and walked away towards the bus. As he walks through the door y/n starts to follow a little behind him. She has a water bottle in one hand and her mask in the other. I can't help but to take a double look at what she's wearing. The top half of her jumpsuit is unzipped with the arms tied around her waist. Somehow she's found one of the guys sweatshirts that is way too big. The black paint on her face is smeared and messy from sweat and her hair is now in a bun. She looks like she just barely made it out from a bar fight. I hold back a laugh and follow behind them towards the bus. Corey joins by my side and whispers

"Watch this" and with that he starts to slowly creep behind his sister
Sorry for such a short part. I hope y'all like it none the less! I thought it was kinda cute idk 🤷‍♀️

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