Part 6

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Clint: in this compartment, really, I can hardly spend 1 hour in the stark building with all of them

Ella: Well good luck, I will see you soon. * Wanda, Nat and Ella leave *

Ella: We are back and that was long conversation.

Harry: Yea you were gone for an hour and a half.

Hermione: The other day I saw a symbol on Luna Lovegood's dad's necklace.

Ella: Yea I saw that to and I think I know what it means.

Nat and Wanda: Sorry we are both behind this conversation.

Ella: I was reading about it and it is called the Deathly Hallows there are three Objects if you own all of them you become the master of death. The Objects include the Invisibility cloak This clock makes you nearly invisible. The Resurrection stone to return a loved one's spirit beyond the grave. Lastly the Elder Wand the most powerful wand in the wizarding world.

Wanda: Well that's interesting

Hermione, Ella: Yeah it is

Harry: we have the cloak and Dumbledore has the wand apparently but he destroyed the stone 

Ella: maybe he compressed it and made it small and hid it in something. The ministry gave you the first snitch you caught and snitches have a memory, don't they?

Harry: yeah but I have held it and nothing happened.

Hermione, Ella: But when you caught it wasn't with your hand it was with your mouth.

Ella: Do you have the snitch with you.

Harry: yeah but I will have to get it * Gets the snitch and puts it in his mouth * I open at the close, that's what it says

Ella: Me and Hermione will do some research about that later.

Trolley lady: Anything from the Trolley dears

Ella: can I get some exploding bon bons and 10 Chocolate frogs

Trolley lady: yes sure

Ella: thank you * gives the money *

Ella: Who wants one

Nat: Can I try an exploding bon-bon

Ella: Sure, but remember these aren't your ordinary sweets they are wizarding sweets.

Nat: * try's in and it explodes in her mouth* that is very confusing.

Hermione: Yeah it is wizarding sweets what do you expect. When I first tried it, I was very confused.

* 4 and a half hours later and the train arrives *

Ella: everyone we have to get out and get a couple of carriages for us.

Witches and Wizards: See you at Hogwarts

Ella: Don't go in until we come up with a plan and figure out how this is going to work.

Everyone: Okay

*Arrives at Hogwarts*

Ella: Okay Remus do you want to make a plan

Remus: okay Harry and Ella you take the invisibility cloak and go thru the school and find Neville and apparently Snape is looking for Harry and Ella they were looking on the train for you guys but got side tracked but someone saw you and has told Snape so when they call for everyone to go into the hall you and harry put on your robes and act like students in the school and then we will fight them.

Ella: Okay when you hear us talking to him that is when you guys come through the door and if needed help us fight him.

Ginny: I am meant to be in the school right now so all I have to tell you is always keep your head down when you are walking to the hall and Snape has the Carrow twins to help him and they are in charge of discipline and they like to beat the kids.

Ella: Okay we will do that

Harry: We better get going

Ella: Okay let's go

*Harry and Ella put the cloak on and go in the school and finds Neville *

Neville: Hey guys I missed you both Snape called everyone to the hall so you both better put your robes on.

Ella, Harry: Yeah okay

* Puts their robes on and goes to the great hall *

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