Chapter 24: Close Call

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"I know there's no use in telling you not to do it again, but a heads up on your plan next time would be nice," you commented and he gave you a small drowsy chuckle.

"I can live with that," he agreed.

"You better," you nodded, pulling the velvet box out of your pocket and placing it on his lap.

"I should have guessed you were going to see that," he sighed. "T-This wasn't the way I wanted you to find out, I was going to take you to our favourite date spot and set up something nice there,"

"I know," you nodded your head and leaned over the hospital bed to give him a soft kiss. "I don't know if it helps, but I haven't looked at the ring yet,"

"It actually does a bit," he nodded, taking the box in his hands and holding it out in front of you, opening it up and letting you see the simple ring inside. "I-It's a family heirloom, Haley and I were young when we got married and I never got a chance to use it,"

"It's beautiful," you whispered, taking it out of the case and slipping it on your ring finger, smiling at the sight of it. "It's a little big," you chuckled through our happy tears.

"We can get it resized," he assured you. "I had a whole speech I wanted to give you, but I mean, it's not the most romantic location anymore,"

"Why don't you just give me a shortened version?" you suggested, holding his hands and chewing on your bottom lip. "I'd still like to hear it."

"Well, I was going to start by calling you my little lawyer so that checks out," he chuckled. "But seriously, (Y/N), I fell in love with you first when we were in high school and I find myself falling in love with you again and again, each day that I'm with you. I always knew I was going to marry you once I'd finally gotten the nerve to ask you to come and stay with me because then I knew I had a chance with you,"

You interrupted him with another kiss, this time more passionate, holding the sides of his face in your hands.

"But either way," he continued. "(Y/N) (L/N) would you do me the greatest honour in becoming my wife?"

"Yes," you nodded your head without any hesitation, holding him close, and everyone already knows obviously," you chuckled a little.

"I figured. Dave managed to find out I had a ring before I even told anyone. But he thought I bought it so I guess he doesn't know as much as he thought,"

"I think that's the morphine talking a little,"

He rolled his head back on the pillow and turned it to look at you.

"I promise to give you the full speech one day," he said. "You can hold me to it,"

"I will," you nodded your head. "But you should rest some more, I'll call the doctor after you've napped a bit,"

Aaron yawned and nodded his head, letting his eyes close shut again and within moments he was quietly snoring again.

It would be nice to get back home, that was for sure.

A few days after you had gotten back home, you and Aaron had taken some time off together and were just resting and taking things easy, or more like you were trying to get Aaron to take things easy because he wanted to go back to work.

But on the evening of your fourth day back, you heard an unexpected knock at the door, and when you went to open it, you saw the whole BAU team waiting in the hallway, arms piled with get-well gifts and engagement presents.

"Surprise!" Penelope cheered. "We brought so many presents,"

"I can see that," you chuckled. "Come in, come in,"

You opened the door wider and let them inside.

"Aaron honey, we have company!"

They could hear a shuffle coming from the bedroom and Aaron walked out of the small hallway with a slight limp, running a hand through his hair to fix it up a bit.

"Don't people call anymore," he mumbled, but then looked up and saw who it was and you could feel his demeanour change. "Oh, it's you guys,"

"Yeah, it's us guys," Emily rolled her eyes. "We brought you some get well stuff and a few engagement presents,"

"And mine can be opened immediately," Dave noted, showing you a bottle of chilled champagne, "We should celebrate!"

"I second that," Penelope nodded.

"JJ I've got some sparkling apple juice in the fridge if you want," you wrapped an arm around your very pregnant friend and exchanged kisses on the cheek.

"That would be amazing," she chuckled.

You and Aaron got out glasses while Dave poured everyone a drink and they went around until everyone had one.

"May your marriage be dull and uneventful," Derek teased.

"Here here!" you cheered raising your glass and Aaron leaned down and stole a quick kiss, making Emily wolf whistle.

"But seriously you two, we all wish you the happiest life together, you both deserve it,"

"Here's to no more near-death experiences," Spencer added.

"And at least one adorable Hotchner-(L/N) child," Penelope chimed in.

"And many many moments of love," Dave smiled.

You all clinked your glasses and sipped the champagne, a few cheers and praises exchanged around.

"So do you have any plans for the wedding yet?" JJ asked.

"A few, we've had some time to kill," you nodded. "But we still have to tell my family and Aaron's mom,"

"Oh, share all the details!" Penelope grinned.

"I wanted to do the ceremony outside, so we've got our eye on a venue that's got a little bit of both, and the colour scheme obviously has red cause I mean-," you pointed to Aaron who was wearing a red shirt and looking pretty damn good in it too.

"What about the ring?" Derek asked. "Haven't seen you wearing that around yet,"

"It needs to get resized," Aaron said. "It was a family heirloom, but we haven't sent it to a jeweller yet,"

"I've been wearing it on a necklace for now," you showed everyone the ring that had since been tucked under your shirt and everyone gathered around to get a closer look.

"It's beautiful," Emily smiled. "Congrats again you guys,"

"Thank you," you said, taking a small breath in before leaning only slightly into Aaron who pressed a kiss to your forehead.

It was kind of hard to believe that soon enough the two of you would be married.

And after everything you had both been through, this was the happy ending you deserved. You were sure of that. 

Love Me in Spite - [Aaron Hotchner x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora