Chapter Four~ Prop Hunt

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Evelyn POV

"Sean..." I say warningly. He looks at me, confused. "Ev? What is it...?" He asks. Sean looks at them, and he curses. "Uh, we have to go," I say hurriedly. "What? Why?" Wade asks. "They're here," I say darkly. "Don't leave, it will make you look suspicious to them," Bob says. "What am I supposed to do then?! I can't go back with them! I won't live through this time!" I yelp.

Even if I did, I might be the one to end it. If it you'll just end the torment.

"I got it! You two are Irish, right?" Mark says proudly. "Oh wow Mark, congratulations! You figured out our nationality!" I say enthusiastically. Sean nudges me. "Sorry. I get sarcastic when I freak out..." I mutter.

"Good to know. Anyway, your name is Evelyn, and Sean is Sean. You two are visiting from Ireland because of PAX. Evelyn, Sean brought you here. Oh, and you two are dating," Mark says proudly.

"Alrighty seems simple enou- WAIT WHAT?!" Sean and I say in unison. My green eyes meet Sean's blue ones. I blush and look at my uncle and aunt, who are making their way over here. "Uh, Sean..." I say nervously. He takes my hand while I blush madly. Sean mouths 'It's okay' and 'Stay calm'.

I nod slightly. He squeezes my hand in reassurance. "Shoot," Wade says all of the sudden, "I forgot my wallet." I try not to laugh, but it's so hard. "Oh SURE. You just HAPPEN to forget your wallet!!" Mark says.

This makes us all burst out in laughter.

"Excuse me, sorry," my aunt says. We look up at her, smothering our laughter. "Hi ma'am. Can we help you?" Sean asks sweetly. My aunt smiles. "What a kind young man. Yes, have you seen my daughter? She has blonde hair and brown eyes. She's about... 5'9"?" My aunt says.

I'm 5'6". Wow. Just... Wow. She's known me for years. Just... Wow.

"I saw a girl that fits that description yesterday. I signed a shirt for her, the she walked off. I wish I could give you more information, but I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do," Sean says sadly.

"Oh, well that's too bad. Please tell me if you see her," she says. I give a small smile. "Will do ma'am. We hope you," never, "find her." She frowns. "You look familiar dearie..." My aunt says.

I frown. "Forgive my horrible memory if we have met, but I don't remember you," I say, starting to sweat. "Well that's okay. I'm probably just losing my mind," she says, "Thank you!" My aunt walks off.

Once she's out of earshot I relax.

"Losing your mind? You never had it," I growl.

The guys try hard not to laugh.

Then the food came.


"Thanks for lunch guys. It was amazing!" I say happily. They laugh at my enthusiasm. "You're welcome, Ev," Mark says. I pick up a left over fry and throw it at him. It hits him on the forehead. "Hey!" He exclaims, rubbing his forehead, "What was that for?!"

I grin and rest my forearm on Sean's shoulder. "Only Jack gets to call me Ev," I say, smirking, "Come up with your own nickname." Mark makes an adorable pouty face. I look up. "Nope, nope, nope, not gonna work!" I exclaim. "Fiiiiiiine..." Mark grumbles.

Sean gives me a side hug.

"You guys wanna record?" Mark offers.

The guys decide that being in one apartment would be too crowded, so they'd go back to their own apartments and do it over Skype.

They decided to play Prop Hunt.

"What- NO! You don't see me, you don't see me, nope!" Sean yells as Wade finds his hiding place. I've been watching over Sean's shoulder.

"Guys I have to go," Bob says. "Aw come on, don't leave us hanging!" Mark complains. "I have a thing with a thingy that I have to do so..." Bob says. "A thing with a thingy. Very descriptive Bob," Sean says with heavy sarcasm.

"Have Evelyn take my place! But I really do have to go. Bye!" He says.

Sean turns to me. "Wanna play?" He asks. I grin. "Sure," I say.

Sean helps me get set up, then we play.

For hours.

And hours.

And hours.


"Ugh guys I'm gonna pass out I'm so tired..." I grumble. Sean yawns. "You and me both!" He says. I chuckle and yawn too. "Aw okay. Bye guys!" Wade says. "Bye see you tomorrow!" Mark yells over the call. "Bye!" Sean and I say.

I look over at the clock: 2:30 in the morning.

"No wonder we're tired!" I say laughing. "Oh yeah. I'm going to bed... Night Ev!" Sean calls. I smile and walk to my room. "Night Sean!"

I fall onto the mattress and slip into a dreamless sleep.

AN: Sorry its been so long!!! I think I'm getting writer's block, and I'm trying to keep up with my other fanfics too. And school....

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!!!

Also: PM me any ideas you have! I will gladly listen. :)

Until next time my friends!!!! :3

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