Chapter Two~ Enough Hiding

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AN: This is where she gets her name. :3 Oh, and the pic is... the girl. You know... The girl narrating? ... I'm confusing you aren't I?

'Maggy' POV

J- Sean smiles at me, and I return it with a smile of my own. I shift the strap of my backpack as we get out of the car.

"C'mon," he says. I follow him to the hotel, and into his room.

I look around, it's nice. A sofa and TV... A mini fridge and a room in the back.

"Where should I put this?" I ask, motioning to my bag. "Oh, in the bedroom over there. I'm taking the couch," Sean says. I shake my head. "It's your room," I reply. The polite argument continues, but after a while, I gave in.

I was tired anyway.

I decide to take a shower. It's been a month or so...


I got dressed in a white sweater and jeans, along with my falling-apart-at-the-seam- sneakers. I start to put on the long blonde wig and brown contacts, but then I remembered that they're not here anymore.

I'm free.

I smile and drop the wig in the trash, but I decided to keep the contacts.

I brushed out my long dark brown hair, and stared into my green eyes. It's been a long time since I've seen the real me.

I smile, and walk out of the bathroom and out the bedroom.

"Hey Sean," I say, walking in.

"Whoa, who are you?!" Sean says. I turn towards him with a frown. "What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

"Who are you? How did you get in? Wait... Are you...?" Sean says. I blink in confusion. Then I laugh a little. "Oh, I forgot. My aunt and uncle made me wear a blonde wig and brown contacts to make me look... I don't know, more American?" I say.

"Oh. Well... Uh... You look... Different. It's a good different," Sean says, smiling. I smile too. "Thanks," I say.

"I need some clothes... I have some money, so I think I'm going to go shopping," I say. Sean nods. "I'll come with you," he says.

Shopping. Well this should be fun.


Well, the shopping part wasn't that enjoyable, but Sean sure made the trip interesting.

I won't get into that.

I got plenty of new clothes. I also got a few bandages and ace wraps. Just in case...

We get back to Sean's hotel at 6:41. He orders dinner over room service because why not? We're hungry.

"I never caught your name," Sean says. I blink, realizing I hadn't told him. "I don't have one," I told him. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean, I don't remember the one my parents gave me. I remember people telling me my parents were dead... Then people grabbed me and brought me to America. My aunt and uncle. They called me 'Maggot' or 'Maggy'," I mutter.

"I'm guessing you don't want to be called that anymore," Sean says. I give him a 'duh' look. He chuckles.

"Let's give you a fairly Irish name..." He says. I pull out my computer and push it to Sean.

After a few minutes, our food arrives and we continue our search.

"Evelyn," he offers. I feel something in my mind perk up, and I know I want this one. "Evelyn. Evelyn. Evelyn... I think I want that one," I say. Sean looks at me with a smile. "Evelyn. It fits you," he says. I smile back.

"Thank you Sean. For everything," I say.

He stands up out of his chair. "Oh c'mere..." He says. Sean wraps me into a hug, and I blink in surprise. I haven't been hugged in... Years.

It feels nice. He has to bend a bit to reach me. I'm 5'6" and he's 5'10".

I hug him back.

Hugs are nice.

"Do you want to come with me to lunch tomorrow, Ev?" Sean asks. "Yeah, I'd love to," I say tiredly. Sean laughs a bit at the sleepiness in my voice. "Go to bed, Ev. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" He says. I nod. "Goodnight Sean. Thank you again," I say, walking off to bed. "Goodnight Ev."

I fall into the bed, falling asleep the second my head hits the soft pillow.


I bolt awake to the sound of a scream.

My scream.

I sit up and pull my knees to my chest, sobbing into them.

I can't take it. I can't take it.

I hear the door whip open and I cringe, pulling my knees tighter to me, whimpering softly.

"Evelyn?" A voice says.

I look up, to see Sean. "S-sorry S-Sean," I whimper. "Ev, are you alright? What happened?" Sean asks in a panic. I shake my head. "N-nightmare," I whisper. Sean pulls me into a hug. "It's okay... Shh..." He says softly. My fingers curl around his shirt as silent tears fall.

"They're not here anymore... It's okay..." Sean says.

"Th-they could find me. They could... They could take me again..." I whisper. "They can't. They can't. Your're safe," he says, "You're safe."

"I wish I could go home again," I whisper, "I miss home." Sean hugs me tighter.

My eyes start to feel heavy. "Go to sleep Ev," Sean says softly. I shake my head. "Nightmares..." I say. "Just try to sleep. You're here. You're safe," he says. I nod.

Sean pulls away and I lay down, closing my eyes. He walks out of the room. I can feel the drowsiness over take my thoughts.

"You'll be home soon."

AN: Hope you guys liked it!!!

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