Chapter 23: The Steampunk Twins- Part 3

Start from the beginning

"Wait, so one of us is gonna have to commit suicide?!" Zach trembles, backing away slowly.

"No, we just have to vote for somebody to go into that thing; right here, right now." Val corrects.

OK, this is not what I was expecting.

We have to betray somebody! We haven't done this before!

What the hell is going on now?

"Yeah, I'm stepping down; don't wanna get murdered." Lia keens, raising her arms.

"Would anybody think this is a plead-your-case moment?" Vanessa suggests, all of us huddling around.

Vanessa: 'There's no challenge, no chance to fight; somebody's gonna go in there and be betrayed by the rest of this group. This is by far the most crucial plead your case moment of tonight.'

"I still think it's obvious who's going in, though, if I'm being honest," Lia growls, eyeing up Zach.

"Let's not start this." Oli squalls, trying to calm the situation down. 

"Let's just plead our cases and then we'll know who's going in there."

I talk of my strengths and that though I have an alliance, I care about everybody.

And genuinely, I do; the only people I really wanna hurt are Lia and Zach, but that's because they're genuinely bad people who are making this mission a nightmare to get through. 

So, that's really my honesty, I'm not lying there.

Oli talks of his loyalty and that he would fight for this group, as well as the fact he had found the golden key to the Box of Dynamo.

Lana says that though she may be a little on the short side and she wasn't able to run the fastest earlier, she was one of the smartest people in the group, being able to solve codes quickly.

And I mean, she ain't wrong. 

Lia says that even though she had a thing for me, if it ever came that she had to choose between her crush and the group, she would choose to help the group, that she will do anything she could to help us.

And I love how she just admitted it; that'll sure make you popular.

Once again, that was my sarcasm.

Vanessa says that even though she had just lost her twin sister, she was trying to be strong, helping the group at every opportunity and just being there for us.

And now, it's Val's turn.

Before you ask about Zach, he couldn't be bothered.

"I think that since we've got here, I've been carrying my weight; I've saved Oli's life, I've won the Dog Woman's challenge, found some bells, battled a Stone Man, and I solved most of the riddles in this shop. I honestly think putting me in there would be a grave mistake for all of you. I will do whatever it takes to get us out of here. And that's a promise." She reassures.

She looks like she's about to break down and I'm starting to get worried.

Is she going to be OK?

Thankfully, Lana and Vanessa are here to hug her.

"It is time to vote," Heidi warns, a look of not compassion, but grave seriousness on her face this time.

"Tap the card with the face of the person you would like to go into the Toxic Chambers."

 "Remember, the more votes for one person, the higher chance I have of pulling their name. I will then shuffle, but will only draw one. We'll start with you." She ends, motioning to Vanessa.

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