Grades and Whine - Ch. 2

Start from the beginning

"Thank you for everything, Lully beauty. Thank you for being my best friend, my second mother, one of the best souls in the whole universe that I will ever get to know in my entire life. You are free now Lully." I said with shaky voice. I kissed her head and hugged her one last time. Then I left.

(End of memory.)

"You never left." My voice just above a whisper.

"And I never will, little one." She answered.

I told her about everything that had happened in those years, she told me about hers and why she stayed. I thanked her for not allowing our house fall to pieces from the inside. When I turned 17, my aunt died in a mysterious car accident in the muggle world. Another terrible loss for me. Lulla was the only family that I had now... And I was hers.

>End of flashback<

"Good morning, Lully beauty. ¡Ugh, It smells delicious!" I joyfully said.

"Good morning, Mistress. Coffee?" She asked sweetly.

"Lulla, you know you can call me by my name, I am not your mistress, I have never been. I have always been your friend and I will continue to be your friend even after death. And yeeeeessss, please, I would love a great cup of delicious coffee." I said as I went to the sink to wash my hands. I rinsed my hands and took a seat at the bar.

Handing me a cup of coffee she said,

"Oh I know, I just love calling you 'mistress', it suits you perfectly. Besides, if someone heard me calling you by your name, I'd be in trouble beacuse they would think I am disrespecting my mistress. Now, how was your sleep last night?"

"Do not worry about that, I will always be there to defend you from anyone. And it was marvelous!! Haven't slept so good in all my life. How was yours?" I replied smiling at her.

"I'm glad to hear that! It was good, I slept like a baby last night." She chuckled.

"Good! Come on, let's eat. I'm starving."

We ate while we talked about many things, we talked about Severus being a childish, about her new little boyfriend and my grades.

Yes, we knew everything about each other.

I washed the dishes while Lulla cleaned the bar and put away the leftovers. As I finished washing dishes, I began to feel a very familiar sensation in my core.

'Great!' I thought.

I hurried to finish and told Lulla that I would go to my room to make myself beautiful since I was gonna head out to buy things that were needed in the house. Lie. What I really needed was a second shower to cool down a bit. Although the "make myself beautiful" is true because I do have to go out.

I quickly took a second cold shower. When I finished I brushed my teeth, put on some deodorant, brushed my hair, put some light makeup on, put my clothes on, my boots, accessories and my favorite perfume to conclude. Ready.

(Y/n look.)

I headed downstairs again and saw that Lulla wasn't ready yet, so I walked to the living room and decided to wait for her

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I headed downstairs again and saw that Lulla wasn't ready yet, so I walked to the living room and decided to wait for her.

(3 minutes after)

Lulla came downstairs.

"I'm ready, 𝑀𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠.", she laughed as I made a childish pout beacuse of the word 'Mistress'.

"Uuugghhh, Lullaaaaaa!" I said laughing back.

Our laughter was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.

Who might it be so early in the morning?, I wondered.

"I'll get it, Lully beauty." I said jumping off the couch.

I opened the door quickly, I was about to speak, when I suddenly froze. There I stood, highly surprised to see the person I had always thought would never come to my house.

Severus Snape.

𝑇𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑑...

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