The Eyes I Can't Live Without - Part Two

Start from the beginning

That's all Niall says though before he walks back into the café with his order. I make my way to the very back of the building. I have to do the dishes. The memory of Niall finding the napkin is still so fresh in my mind. I'm so thankful he stopped me from throwing it away.


It's 4:37 now and I still haven't seen Louis. I'm done with the dishes, I've had my break with Niall and we've done some of our other tasks. I really want to cry. I'm sure of it now, I always screw things up. I ruined it. I ruined my only chance with Louis.

Niall is talking to some old friend of his' who's visiting the café. He's sitting with him at his table. Niall looks happy and I don't want to bother him with my stupid feelings anymore.

I'm leaning on the counter, just looking over the room. I can see all the people, but I don't see Louis. It makes me feel empty and disappointed somehow. I whine and let my head down. I hide my face in my arms. I could easily fall asleep like this. Being sad makes you tired.

I enjoy the darkness and for a moment I don't really care anymore. My shift is over in about an hour anyway.

"Excuse me," a voice says loudly and I feel an eager tap on my shoulder.

My head shoots up. I think I really did fall asleep for a moment.

I push my curls out of my face and quickly rub my eyes. "S-sorry" I start to say to whoever woke me.

Though I swallow all my words that were to follow because the sight in front of me makes me almost want to scream instead.

The bright blue eyes I've been dreaming of lately look at me in frustration. Though there's also a hint of fond in his eyes. His cheeky grin gets me weak at the knees and the sassy way he stands makes my world spin around.

"I-I.." I start, but I don't know what to say. For a split second, I look behind him at Niall who looks as shocked as I look. The blonde waves his hands around hysterically, but I don't know what he means. I look back at Louis. And it actually feels weird to know his name now. It's odd to realise and to match a name with a face after so long. "I thought you'd never come"

Louis chuckles. "Did you really?"

I immediately regret what I said. That was so stupid. "Y-yeah..?"

"Does my presence mean that much to you?" God, I love his side grin.

And I hate how I can't lie. "Actually, yes"

Louis doesn't say anything for a little while. Did I actually make him speechless?

"The usual, please"

I nod in response. Sure. I prepare his special coffee and again, slice a bigger piece of carrot cake than I'm allowed to give. I place it on top of the counter and smile up at him.

"Could you actually wrap it up so I can take it on the go?" Louis asks and I can feel yet another wave of disappointment go through my body. Somehow my fingertips ache because I want to cry.

"Sure," I gulp. "That'll be $4,75, please"

He hands me the money without another word and takes his order. He's about to walk away, but I just can't let him.

"Thanks, Lou," I say quietly, though loud enough for him to hear.

Louis stops in his tracks. For a moment, he looks frozen. Niall is also watching us and even he has stopped in his tracks. Slowly, Louis turns around. He's facing me again.

"Now that's a nickname I've never heard before," he says quite sarcastically, but his eyes smile at me.

"Well..." I start as I scratch the back of my neck. Jeez, what have I gotten myself into? Couldn't I just keep my mouth shut? "What about Lou-bear? Or...?" I bite the inside of my cheek. "Boobear!" 

I cover my mouth at how loud that came out. I even scared myself. I feel my cheeks heat up and I'm yet again, so embarrassed. Niall is hysterically laughing at me in the corner. What a dickhead.

I hear Louis laugh quite loud as well and I look up in surprise. "Alright," he shakes his head in amusement. "That is seriously a nickname I've never heard before. I like it. Thanks, Curly"

I nod. "No problem, Boo" I'm surprised by my own confidence.

Louis laughs one more time and turns around to walk away. I mutter something to myself for being so weird and take a towel to clean the counter a bit. In the corner of my eye I can see Louis turn back around again.



"When's your shift over?"

"In about half an hour. Why?"

I watch Louis lick his lips and he motions for me to come closer. He leans in too and I can feel his breath near my ear yet again. I shiver a little and listen to his beautiful voice whispering into my ear;

"Is there any possibility that you could just skip the last thirty minutes and sneak out with me?"


A/N: Whoop whooppp omg I can't even explain to you how terribly sorry I am for only updating now. I'm in college you see and it's asking so much from me. I study to become a graphic designer ánd a movie maker. I have so many assignments and tests, it's almost killing me... I have two more weeks until summer so these weeks I have to give my 102%.. I also had some serious shit with a guy and girl in my class, so it was hard for me to focus too.

But hey! I did update especially for you guys because I feel so bad and I love all of you so much! Also I feel bad for keeping my lovely co-worker Nancy waiting on our other story. But I'm here now! And I will update from now on as much as I can! Please bare with both of us. Life is just a little hard right now..

Again, I really do love all of you so so much! Thank you for voting and commenting. Also on our other book. You have no idea how good that makes me feel :D :D :*

All the love, Anne xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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