the dream anti alliance | chapter two

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It was Tommyinnit.

"Don't call me a man you're actually sexist go jump off a cliff" Aziya responded. 


"SHUT UP. ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH GEORGENOTFOUND" Aziya said, cutting the women speech two years short.

Tommy didn't respond for a while there was just a long gasp on the other end of the phone until he finally responded, "Gogy is my bestest friend."

"Okay, listen here you blonde headed cretin. You're friends with George and I'm in love with him we are very similar! And right at this moment we are losing precious time with our gogy wogy woo because of that shrek looking man. SO! I have a proposal. Me and you can be friends for one day so we can get rid of Dream, what do you think?" 

Once again there was silence on the other end of the phone until it lit up with the image of a boy holding a gun. But not just any gun... the vlog gun.

"Let's get this mother *bleep* son of a *bleep* *bleep* yeah!!!" 



The plan was simple.

All Tommy had to do was shoot a man.

All Aziya had to do was be hot.

Tommy gave Aziya the address of George and she hid in his tree until she got the signal. She had a perfect view of George in his room twerking to "Change My Clothes" Aziya fangirled in the tree cutely. This man was perfect. PERFECT. 

Stalking is a very long, tiring process. If you're ever going to do it I recommend bringing a pillow. There was one occasion where Aziya dozed off and fell out of the tree. 


But alas! She landed on something soft... and furry.

"Oopsie daisy" she said.

Aziya had landed on George's cat. 

"Only room for one discord kitten in George's life" Aziya whispered to the mushed cat.

For reference of just how mushed this cat was, here is a before and after of Mr. Tibbles:

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Aziya was distracted by a buzz coming from her phone. The signal.

A news notification flashed on her phone..


A smirk slipped across Aziya's face.



No. No. No. This can't be real. Just a moment before George had been twerking to "Change My Clothes" and the next he was gone. His dweamy weamy boo was gone.

He forced his head up to look at his polaroid wall to admire a photo himself with a handsome bald man. No it's not Jack Manifold. And no Gab it's NOT Pitbull. It was Dream, looking pretty and perfect as himself. 

Dream had completely catfished everyone on the internet, "Oh yeah I'm tall and have fluffy blonde hair and freckles and fangs and yeah I'm hot." he said on a stream once.

He was not tall or blonde or freckled or fanged. He was just Dream and that was good enough for George. George loved everything about this man. He loved his shiny bald head, so shiny George could see his own reflection. He even loved the scent of burnt feet that came from him.

But all that was gone now. There will never be another photograph or late night voice call or the familiar feet scent or petty twitter arguments or long texts about the wonders of the world or watching dnf compilations together or matching outfits for halloween. Dream was gone forever, they would never make another memory and he would never live with his existence when that's all he wanted.

Just as George was about to collapse in his own sadness there was a gentle knock on the window, George turned his head to see a young girl with her face pressed against the window.


Aha. George had pissed himself in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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