Masked Menace

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Lynx and Iris were at their apartment, Iris being asleep whilst Lynx was on the couch awaiting his next order from Stitch

Lynx: How long will he be, Iris will probably wake up soon

He checks his phone to receive a message from Null

[7:15, Null: So masked marauder are you in top condition!, meet me at the alleyway at 8:00 and ill tell you what I want you to do next, you'll be quite the menace]

[7:15, Masked Marauder: A little bruised on the shoulder where I got shot, but ill be there]

Lynx: Menace? oh what will I have to do now? as long as I keep iris safe it doesn't matter I can't let her get hurt not by whoever Null is, not by anybody


Lynx: 5 minutes left guess i should make my way to him

Lynx puts on his suit and mask on and makes his way to Null


Null: Great you made it on time

Masked Marauder

Masked Marauder: Alright what do you want me to do?

Please I can't be too long

Null: Itll take how long i want! now shut up or ill make sure iris pays me with blood!

Masked Marauder: Ok! ok! just don't hurt her, please

Null: Good choice, now I want you to do two things for me

First I want you to steal from the city bank and don't worry it isn't the one you've done before this one is bigger with much much more security should be easy enough for you

Second I want you to break into the tech lab and download all their files with this USB flash drive

Masked Marauder: Wha- Are you crazy i can't do that

Null: Iris says otherwise

Masked Marauder: *under his breath* god damn it

Fine ill do it

Null: Good, get them done within two hours if not you know what will happen to someone!

Masked Marauder makes his way towards the city bank as Iris wakes up in their apartment

Iris: *yawns* Lynx?

Where are you?

[8:25, Iris: Lynx where are you?, you promised me we would be doing a crime today]

Masked Marauder: Damn it she's already awake

[8:26, Lynx: Oh sorry I went out for um a drink.. yeah a drink ill be back in a couple minutes]

[8:26, Iris: Be back soon then alright, don't get drunk too see you soon love]

[8:27, Lynx: Ok sweetie]

Masked Marauder: Phew, that was close alright time to rob this bank, wish Iris was here,

No she would get hurt, im doing this to protect her and hopefully when this, all this madness is over I finally get the courage to propose to her, *sighs*

Masked Marauder walks in through the door seeing how he successfully rob the place

Masked Marauder: Damn, Null was right their security is huge

Well I guess I'll have to take them down one by one

The Masked Marauder hides behind a counter, getting his gun reloaded and ready

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