Chapter 1

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~Lisa POV

"Lisayah....  Wake up you have school today" jisoo unnie said while pulling the blanket away from me.

"unnie it's Saturday how can I have school" I complaint.

"Lisayah just check your phone and see it yourself" unnie took my phone and gave it to me.

What the hell I'm late!!!

I immediately got up from my bed and go towards the bathroom and take a shower.

"I've told you earlier but you didn't listen to me and now you're rushing yourself aishh... " unnie scold me while I was taking a bath.

"Yeah.. alright just go unnie" I said while brushing my teeth.

"Just go downstairs and have some breakfast ok??!? " then jisoo close the door.

15 minutes later......

"Unnie please drive me to the school I'm gonna be late!! " Lisa begged jisoo while putting her things in the bag.

"okay fine.." jisoo unnie sighed. I smiled at her but it seems like she's annoyed at me hehehe :).

In the car

"This is the last time that will drive you to school okay?" jisoo unnie said but Lisa can't hear her.

"Yahhh... Lisayah I'm talking to you" jisoo unnie half-yelled at me then took my airpods out of my ear.

"Wae??" I ask.. "What I said is this is the last time I will drive you to school, you have your own car and you know how to drive but you didn't used it" jisoo unnie said while driving.

"Okay fine it's just that I don't like driving" lisa complaint then rolled her eyes "but you should!! remember I will not always by your side cause I have work, you know that" jisoo unnie explained.

"Okay just give my airpods back" I said.

unnie gave it to me then continued to drive.



Lisa:Hey where are you??

Chae:I'm in the classroom. Wae?

Lisa:great. Is it already starting?

Chae: not yet so hurry up!!

Lisa:Yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes..

Chae: alright see ya!!

"Alright were here" jisoo unnie suddenly spoke up.

"Ok byee" I said then about to open the car door but she hold my wrist.

"Wae?? " I ask "I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm just not in the mood this morning" unnie appologized to me "I know unnie I understand" I smiled so that she won't worry to much.

"Ok byee have a good day" jisoo unnie smiled then waved at me and I waved back.

Oh shoot the gate will closed....

"Wait..!!!!" I yelled at the guard who is about to close the gate.

"Thank you" then I bowed.

Walk faster Lisa....

5 minutes later....

I already arrived in our classroom and I saw chae was now waving at me.

"Your late miss manoban" miss Lee said. All of my classmates are now looking at me ahhh... It's so embarrassing.

I'll kill you chaeng I thought there is no teacher here.

"I'm sorry miss lee" I bowed at her and go directly to my seat.

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