Blood In Your Hands

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"Where's Vincy? He said he'd be here..."

Nancy and Jones had been waiting at the old oak tree for about fifteen minutes now. They were growing increasingly concerned for Vincent's safety, especially Jones.

"Oh...what if something happened to him?" Jones' breathing became fast paced and frantic. They had tried their best to be patient and give time for him, but fifteen minutes was far too long of a waiting time for Vincent. He often arrived at the gates before the two.

"What if Roger really did something?" Jones was almost yelling at this point. He was on the brink of tears, fearing the absolute worst. "What if...what if-"

Nancy in an instant spun around from staring down the road and grabbed Jones by the forearms.

"JONES! CALM YOURSELF!! We have to give him time. I know you've been waiting far longer than what he said he'd be meeting us at, but we can't do much other than to wait. Just take deep breaths, okay?"

Jones was a little taken-back by Nancy's quick move, but complied and steadied his breathing. She let go of Jones, sliding her hands down towards each other Infront of her until her fingers crossed.

Jones had a very special connection with Vincent - a greater connection that no one else knew other than the three, and Nancy understood this well - a huge secret of Vincent and Jones'.

Only they knew because they greatly feared disapproval, especially Vincent.

Jones stared at the ground. "Just try to be patient." Nancy skipped over to the large oak tree's tyre swing and lightly swung on it.

Jones looked up at the field gate and his eyes lit up. His breathing spilled relief.

"Vincent!" Vincent was quickly making his way to the gate of the oak tree.

But something was off. His walking was quick-paced and he kept peering over his shoulders as if someone was following him. Nancy jumped off the tyre swing. Vincent looked up to his beloved friends and dashed over as fast as he could and practically flew into Jones' arms.

Vincent was still unsettled from last night. Nancy and Jones were confused out of their mind and now extremely concerned for his safety. Vincent hugged Jones tight as if it was the last time he would ever see him again.

Jones hugged back, relieved that Vincent wasn't physically hurt. Nancy joined in on the huddle as Vincent cried.

"Vincent?? Are you alright?"

"-Vincy what happened??"

Vincent was too shaken up to answer them properly. "He was going to hurt me!" He spilled, as his shakey breath shattered his speech.

Nancy gasped, covering her dangling mouth. Jones on the other hand was almost grief-struck by his answer.

Vincent re-answered, his voice still stuttering. "I-...-ran from him...and he-...brought out...his-...!!"

Both of his friends weren't sure how to react.

Jones encouraged him to go on. "His...?!"

"-His machete-!!"

Vincent was crying at this point. Jones hugged him again alongside Nancy. "It's alright Vincent, you're safe now. We will never let anything happen to you - never!"

It would take them a while to calm him down enough so he could speak properly. With Vincent's hands in Jones', he told him and Nancy what had happened - about his mother, the photo and running from his father along with all of the induced fear Vincent was feeling in the moment.

Bonnie MacheteTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang