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Phil soon found himself walking around the Smp in search of his husband. He had checked the main city top to bottom, asking all the people who didn't look busy if they had seen Techno.

Yet, nothing.

Phile check the lesser-known places of the city just in case Techno will be there, yet nothing. Finally concluding that Techno isn't in the town, he adventures out to his and Techno's cottage. Yet, there was no Techno insight.

Now Phil is panicking; every place he thought Techno would be, he was not. Techno has barely been there for two days, and not one of those times had he looked around, meaning Techno could be lost. Usually, that wouldn't be a problem; Techno is a grown man. But this time is different; with Techno's social anxiety, he was probably in a frenzy and wasn't thinking straight and is known somewhere. Somewhere Phil doesn't know.

Okay, so maybe Phil is panicking just a little. But the possibilities are real. Slapping his checks, Phil started packing a bag with potions, food and new clothes just in case Techno needs more layers being a Pigling hybrid.

Meanwhile, with Techno,

Techno stormed out of the room, feeling tears brim his eyes. This isn't that big of a deal, so why was he crying? He was a warrior, a God, a fucking Emperor; he had been in worse situations. And yet, a tear still rolled down his cheek.

God, he felt so embarrassed- A small squeak broke Techno out of his thoughts. Looking at the ground Techno, saw a white baby fox. Said fox locked eyes with him and ran, Techno noticing the fox had a limp followed it.

The fox had led Techno to a blood bath. An adult fox, presumably the mother, was dead. There were six other baby foxes. Techno had also presumed they were dead. That was until the first baby fox ran towards two injured but not dead baby foxes.

Walking towards the foxes, the first fox laid next to its siblings and started licking one of their faces as if trying to keep it awake. Taking pity on the foxes, Technoblade walked closer slowly. The fox, not being licked, growled.

Halting his steps, the fox stopped. The first fox, the voices named Blitz, nudged the one that growled. A sense of understanding between the two foxes.

Finally taking his cape and placing the foxes into it like a little burrow, Techno started his trackback home, well to Phil's cabin.

Luckily Techno didn't get lost; he is a human GPS, after all. Making a make little den for the baby foxes, Techno started looking at Blitz injuries. The most worrying was his back leg. A massive bite mark had tared up the skin; the fox's flesh had been dangling uselessly on its leg while you could see bone. The other two foxes chat had named the one who growled Ryan and the sleepy one Aura, looked worse than Blitz.

After a couple of hours, the foxes were all patched up and in their den, either sleeping or eating. Finally, Techno's mind wasn't taken up by the foxes he looked at at the time, 11:47 pm. Phil should have been back from Dsmp halls.

After waiting in the kitchen for another twenty minutes. Techno decided he was going to look for Phil. Techno walk back to Dsmp, first starting at the halls, hearing voices from there, and crying? Geeze, he didn't want to comfort someone.

Opening the door, he was met with a crying Philza and the members of Dsmp trying to comfort him. The others looked up with relief,

"Phil? What's wrong? What did I miss???" Techno asked, walking towards his crying husband. Hearing his husband's voice, Phil jumped up and ran to his husband, both falling to the ground. Phil is starting to hit Technos chest. "How dare you scare me like that!! I thought you were out there alone, freezing and scared!!"

Chuckling Techno answered, "Come on, Phil, you know I could never get lost like that; I'm a living GPS." Seeming to calm down, Phil laughed, "I guess so."

Getting up and holding Phil, Techno looked at the others. "Sorry bout that; thanks for taking care of him" A small smile made its way onto Technos face as he looked at Phil. Leaving the others, Techno remembered about the foxes, "Oh yeah Phil, I found these foxes right-"



No, I didn't write this in class you did, also yes I know the foxes were a gift from Captin Puffy, but like the plot 

Adios amigos 

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