Meeting adjourned

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Chapter 2

Once again Philza was bored but intrigued. The meeting that was still commencing was about a different land-threatening war. The name of said land was long forgotten in Philzas's bored mind. But that was not their main concern, the land was much more powerful, bigger, and in short just plain better. 

Everybody was talking- no yelling about what they should do next. Tension rising as a mini-war between each member began. Philza would have been laughing if he wasn't in a bad mood already. 

He had been so excited to leave and go home to his husband. Just moments away from flying away, but no, he was stuck in a stupid meeting, that might he add was getting them now were. What is was doing was giving him a headache. Rubbing the templates on the side of his head, patience rapidly decreasing, Philza borderline screamed,

'Goddammit, I'll just get my kingdom to fight with you! Batta-bing-batta-boom, war over!' 

Everyone fell silent as that... it was now that Philza realized he said that out loud. Slowly looking up, and looking around the room, Philza noticed everyone looking at him, either shocked, confused or scared.  Why scared well no one had heard him actually yell before. Sure he had raised his voice but never yelled, until now. 

The silence only lasted a second more before everyone was yelling again, this time directed at him. Luckily for him, Dream yelled,

'We can't get answered if he don't let him speak, Shut up!'

The room fell silent for the second time that day. Philza giving a warm and thankful smile to Dream. 

'Well since you quieted them down for me Dream, do you have a question?'

Everyone had gotten back in their seats either looking at Philza or Dream who had been sitting across from Philza. 

'I have two main ones actually. First one when did you have a kingdom and second why are you here shouldn't you be ruling the kingdom'

'Alright first one, I had a kingdom long before I came here, this was just supposed to be a vacation for me, to explore the different lands, But then I found you guys and it increased me. The second one, my husband back home it taking full reign while I'm gone, on that note I was supposed to be leaving today.'

Everyone was processing the new information given to them. Philza was a king, had a HUSBAND that he never once mentioned, and was planning on leaving today WITHOUT telling them. Suddenly a quiet voice rang through the room,

'You were leaving?'

Eyes darting between Niki and Philza, wanting to see the answer Philza would give, though at the same time not wanting to hear that their friend and a father figure was leaving them. 


Some had opened up their mouths about to protest but quickly shut up when Philza had raised his hand.

'I have a kingdom to rule and a husband that is waiting for me'

'Now this war...?'

Everyone snapping out from their dazed mind, coming back to what the meeting had originally been about.

'We were worried about recourses, but which kingdom do you rule-?'

Wilbur had exclaimed.

'Ahh, yes. My husband and I rule The Artic Empire'







This time it had been Awsamdude, who had yelled.

'That's like the most powerful land-

'In history, yes yes that would be correct'

Philza cut of Sam having heard the whole 'Wow, that so amazing' speech countless times before. 

After settling down, the meeting got on track again, this time not being interrupted. By the end, The Artic Empire and Dreamsmp would sign a contract, making the Dreamsmp an alliance with The Artic Empire, vice-versa.

'Sooooo, do we get to meet your husband???'

Tommy, questioned with an adventurous shine in his eyes.

'Yes, of course, if the kingdom agrees to help you then I will stay and wait for his arrival. If not I will leave seeing as the Empire doesn't have interest in you, then neither will I.'

The statement scared the others, If the citizens didn't want to bother to help them then Philza would leave just as quickly as he came. 



I'm back, gonna be honest I forgot I wrote this T^T

If you have any suggestions about what I should do or if you think the meeting should have gone down a different path I will try to incorporate them. ^^

Have good day

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