2: Sunrise Love (and a little bit of lust)

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Takemichi fell in love easily, he also loved the sunrise. He loved watching all the different colours fade into one another, he'd reminisce each person he was reminded of with each colour.

He also made impulsive decisions that had nothing to do with love.


Implied Sexual Content
Hanma's a fucking pain in the arse (more often than not, literally)


Watching the sunrise was one of Takemichi's favourite things. Watching the black change to blue and purple, and the hints of pink (sometimes even flashes of red) before the orange and yellow. Each colour was beautiful. And overtime, ever since he was a middle schooler, he became more and more aware of what each of those colours meant to him.

Takemichi fell in love easily. He knew that. He didn't realise it until he was much older, but he knew that every time he was attached to a person, it wasn't just platonic.

Sometimes, those colours meant things for several people.

The first person he ever loved was Kaku-chan. Back in the second grade (or was it third?) He only knew Kaku-chan for about a year before the boy left suddenly one day and never came back. He was heartbroken, but when he heard that Kaku-chan's parents had passed away and he was now in an orphanage, he got mad at himself for being so selfish. He remembered punching himself in the stomach, kicking his foot against the wall. He told himself he shouldn't have been so selfish when Kaku-chan was going through something so terrible.

He always thought Kaku-chan's red eyes were so cool, especially with his black hair. He was the first person Takemichi ever wanted to protect. When he saw Kaku-chan once again when they were teenagers, he almost didn't recognise him with the big scar and one white eye. But that red eye, and the goofy smile brought him back. It also temporarily brought the feelings back, but once Takemichi found out about Izana, someone Kaku-chan grew up with in the orphanage, he knew he couldn't compare with that, so he quickly shut those feelings away once again.

They became friends once again, they unfortunately don't see each other often anymore because after high school, he and Izana moved to the Philippines, where Izana was originally from. But they texted often and when they did visit, he made sure to make their favourites.

For Takemichi, those slight flashes of red that didn't appear often and were more common at sunset, reminded him of Kaku-chan.


The second person was Takuya, his childhood friend whom he met a few months after Kaku-chan left. Takemichi didn't really know how it happened. Perhaps because he was lonely after Kaku-chan left, but Takuya was another person he could protect. Takemichi wasn't good at fighting, but he was very determined which made up for it, Takuya was an even worse fighter, and had weak resolve. At first, Takemichi just wanted to protect Takuya, like he did with Kaku-chan, but of course, he fell in love easily. However, his love for Takuya didn't last long, romantically of course. He soon realised he just really loved Takuya but in a platonic way.

He always really liked Takuya's hair, watching it grow. He was so excited when it was long enough for him to play with. He always tried to braid it but he wasn't very good, but Takuya's closed eyed smiles when he would lie and say it still looked good made him weak.

And it kept growing and growing, even now, it goes all the way down his back. It's so pretty, too pretty and Takemichi doesn't try to braid it anymore, he leaves Akkun for that.

The time when the sky is just a light golden reminds him of the afternoons after school in elementary school where he'd play with Takuya's hair.


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