win or loose

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Robin p.o.v

After the call from 6ixx putting me on out door restrictions i heard a loud knock on my door shattering my train of thought heart pounding scared out my mind i look thru the peep hole to see gina and 6ixx the sight of them holding hands made me sick to my stomach but i had way bigger problems that needed my time and energy i ask 6ixx can i speak to him alone cant fight the shit any longer wen 6ixx enter the hallway i jus ask what was the obvious witch was where they fucking ?? by his expression it said everything and more so frustrated on life tears start to build in me i wanted to plead my case but it wasnt worth it nomore i was officially done with 6ixx mind made up i walks to gina and tells her how big of a hoe she is our 3rd game was tomorrow as cheer captain i had to be there we was playing ohio State another high ranked team omar had came by to tell me goodbye he's boarding his flight this evening on his way to Georgia State i guess he couldn't handle not being on A squad any more the bull dogs have been wanting him for years now he even told 6ixx good luck on the game tomorrow another knock on the door silencing the room 6ixx decided it was safer if he gotten the door in case it was his brothers or they goons we all agree as 6ixx get the door maggie barge in asking wat the emergency 6ixx asked that omar leave not wanting to discuss our newest situation at hand in front of him not knowing who to trust the only guy youll see 6ixx with every now and then is tarrence our star receiver after getting rid of omar we began figuring things out going over every expected and unexpected aspect when maggie came up with a piece offering that 6ixx ran by his brothers who was shaking the city down like cops trying find me there was jus a matter of time they came cross someone who knew me and my where about after about a hour or so of having a heated argument with his brother 6ixx sit in silence with both hands on his head after about 10 minutes he makes another call this time to his mother then another to his cousin off the eastside back home after about another 2 or 3 minutes 6ixx get a incoming call from someone and seems to be speaking in some kinda code he hangs up the call and tells us we got to take a ride he then call tarrence to meet up with us at the school and hang up we where on the practice field wen i see rab in his goons approaching causing me to panic 6ixx grab my hand pulling me behind him gina and maggie no tarrence yet 6ixx and rab exchange a couple words before 6ixx splatting to rab it was his fault for being so ruthless in the first place rab responded with a simple suggestion that 6ixx choose a side that dead bitch referring to me or the family referring to his family 6ixx became out rageous charging at rab and with no hesitation rab fired to shots sending 6ixx to the ground 6ixx jus lay there if his soul have already left his body rab falls to 6ixx side giving me gina and maggie an escape route 6ixx was my hero all over again but seeing him shot in cold blood by his brother showed me jus how dangerous rab and his cartel really was i knew what i had to do i went to the fed headquarters and contradicted my entire alibi causing detective holloway to go off but i told her captain it was dark in the club that night i couldnt identify no one in her line up looking right past rab picture she kept me for a couple hours my lawyer gina had jus obtained for me came barging in giving holloway some papers that really mad her madder then grabbing me telling me to lets go i head to the hospital where 6ixx where rushed to after being shot by rab i get there to only be snatched up by rab out in the parking lot befor he could pull the trigger i hurry up and told him i made things right he was getting a call i guess his lawyer told him d.a dropped all pending charges till further investigation are completed he then says its my luckily day and it'll kill 6ixx if he killed me still hurt by his own actions earlier today he advised me to stay clear of his way and since 6ixx took my shots he was gone let it go for his little brother he loved so much and can tell he was hurting vary badly for what he have done i offer him a hug and a shoulder to vent to if he ever needed one he shakes his head and say ight go head and go see 6ixx b4 calling hustle given him the news and calling off my hit he have on me when i arrived in 6ixx room i see gina laying in the bed with him causing me to become angry i began to charge at her little skinny ass wen tarrence picks me up pending me to a corner and saying 6ixx is in enough pain as we could all see if i couldn't act right i needed to leave i mean are 6ixx fucking him too maggie agrees with tarrence me and gina both sat on opposite side of 6ixx bed 6ixx jus sat there silently grieving as i look in his eyes i see nothing his soul have grown a strong dark shadow around him i began to feel his pain as if i was shot being shot and nearly killed by his own brother was a game changer for 6ixx he was never the same after that day even tho he made a full recovery in 2.5 weeks the team won every game for 6ixx as he sat on the bench cheering them on 6ixx new back up quarter back was meat meat a sophomore he wasnt good as 6ixx but our defense held shut outs every game not allowing the opponents to score any points now that 6ixx is back and practicing with the team again he's expected to play in the fus vs Georgia state game saturday night our team was now 5-0-0 the number 1 seed in ncaa oh yeah omar will be the starting quarterback for Georgia state as a friend we keep in contact jalen rodes jus moved up to A squad he's a defensive end he's nice i like him he's a hard hitter

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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