Are We The Waiting

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Starry lights. 
City nights. 
Coming down over me. 
In my head. 
Are we? 
We are. 
Are we? 
We are. 
The waiting unknown. 
This dirty town was burning down in my dreams. 
Lost and found, city-bound in my dreams. 

(Green Day -Are We The Waiting.)

Axl fiddling with the cigarette between his fingers as he gazed sadly up at the stars. His feet dangled from the four-story drop and the rain wettened his clothes and hair. The droplets on his face made it impossible to tell he was crying. 

Axl grew angry at the couples and friends who laughed below him. The redhead wanted nothing else than to launch himself at them and curse them for being happy when his heart was broken into a million pieces. 

You can't expect the world to stop and wait for you. 

The words of Izzy haunted Axl and he squeezed his eyes shut and placed his hands over his ears in hopes of drowning out that dreadful voice. 

The voice Axl had fallen in love with. 

But love wasn't exactly on his mind right now. 

No, Axl was thinking about his band and how he was fucking it up. The drugs were overwhelming their minds and everyone was arguing and fighting and was almost through with the game. 

Axl didn't want the band to become a failure just like everything else had. Hell, everything Axl did failed at some point or another. 

Relationships, friendships, happiness, even his addiction ceased to please him and he had quit. 

But all in all, Axl guesses good things just never last. 

Just like the band. 

You can't do anything right, much less be in a band! 

Came the voice of his stepfather. 

Axl didn't try to block out that voice. Instead, he embraced it as he laid back to allow the raid to soak his small skinny body causing him to get cold and shiver but not allowing himself to move as this self-torture is just what he needs. 

But the loud raindrops didn't block out the sounds of footsteps nearing him. Axl didn't open his eyes or ask who was there because he knew it was one of his bandmates coming to remind him that he was a failure. 

"Axl," Duff said sitting beside the singer. "Go away," Axl said as his shivering became violent. The rain grew colder this late November night. Duff placed Axl in a sitting position. Axl didn't respond and just allowed Duff to do as he pleased. If the blonde bassist were to throw Axl off the side of the building the redhead wouldn't mind a bit. But instead of harming the singer Duff placed a warm jack on the Axl's shoulders. Axl sighed his breath fogged and faded in the darkness of the night. He noticed how no rain fell on him or Duff and looked up to see Duff had brought an umbrella to keep them both dry. Or dryer as Axl was already soaked. 

"I know things suck right now," Duff started. He waited for Axl's response. Axl said nothing and his face held no emotion. "But things will get better. Maybe we all just need a break," Duff added. 

Axl zipped the jacket up and wrapped his arms around himself. "I know it's what we need. But I... I don't want to spend even a week away from you guys," Axl said swallowing his pride for once in his life.

Duff smiled slightly and wrapped his lanky arm around Axl's shoulder as the redhead hugged his knees. "I understand," said Duff. "But you have so many other people to turn to like your siblings. If you have to travel to Indiana to be happy, none of us would mind a bit." Axl smiled at his blonde friend and leaned into him. 

Duff was happy the redhead was making a reaction to him instead of staring blankly into the sky. 

The bassist knew life was tough for Axl. His childhood wasn't the best. And now it was haunting the redhead. His life would crumble with the death of the band. Duff wouldn't allow something like that to happen. Poor Axl. He was so helpless. 

"I don't want the comfort of my siblings right now. I want the comfort of," Axl stopped. "Who?" Duff asked curiously. "Izzy," Axl said as tears ran down his face. 

Duff sighed as he remembered Izzy's argument with Axl. The harsh words said against the frontman were difficult for Duff to hear and he knew it would kill Axl as the love of his life hated him with every muscle. 

"He'll come around," Duff said not sure on who he was trying to convince him or Axl. 

"I could push you off this building right now," Izzy said to Axl. "Then do it," Axl said. "I won't care." "You don't care about much do you?" Izzy asked. 

"Did you just come here to cause trouble?" Duff asked turning around so quickly he almost caused Axl to topple over the edge if Duff's arm wasn't securely around the smaller man. 

No, Thought Izzy. I came because I can't be away from Axl. He's simply a drug that I can't function without. Even if I have to argue with him every time I see him. I want to kill him but I also want to apologize and hug him. 

"No," Izzy said. "Is that your catchphrase?" Duff asked. "No," Izzy said. "Now I would like it if you left me and Axl alone." "I don't think I'll do that. Because I know you intend to hurt an already broken man," Duff said. "Oh please he's the one who does all the hurting," Izzy said.

Axl stood up and turned to face Izzy. He was as red as his hair. He grabbed Izzy and slammed the black-haired man down and punched him in the face until he heard a crack and pop of Izzy's nose and lips busting. 

Duff pulled Axl off of Izzy and hugged the redheaded man. But instead of accepting Duff's embrace, Axl would rather be left alone at that hour. He pushed Duff away. 

"Thanks for the talk, Duff, but I wanna be left alone right now," Axl said before walking away to his apartment. 

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