Chapter 4

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I come home and take my shoes off and head to the kitchen. Katie is already home sitting at the counter of what it looks to be a fruit salad.

"Where's the bowl of the rest of it?" I ask. "I ate it all." She confesses.

I become not so excited anymore. A fruit salad sounded so good at that moment.

I search the fridge and take out vanilla yogurt and pour it into a small bowl. I chop up the rest of the strawberries and place them neatly on the side of the bowl on top of the yogurt. I add some oats and take a spoon out of the drawer.

I bring my bowl with me upstairs and I start to get ready.

I forgot to ask what the theme or should I say type of party it is. I'm not sure if I want to wear a dress or keep it casual. I take out some black ripped skinny jeans and a pretty dark green silk top.

"Where are you going?" Katie barges in and shouted.

"A party." I answer.

"Who's party?"

I hesitate. "No one you know." Why did I say that? Now she's going to bug me til I say who. I now have made it seem like the person is some mysterious guy I don't want anyone to know about. I mean he is pretty mysterious but I still don't want her thinking he's 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒.

I walk out once I put my gold jewelry and shoes on.

Pulling up, of what looks like a long driveway with rolling hills of field of what could possibly have cattle being raised on it. A farm? Not the lifestyle I'd think he would have.

I head down the long driveway nervously hoping it's the right place.

After a good 20 seconds of heading down it, I see a white mansion infront of me with vines hanging down the side. It's giving me Italy vibes, like it would be a house you'd see in a more expensive part of Italy. There are flowers and all types of plants surrounding the property. I see about seven other cars lined up parallel on the grass up off and to the side of the driveway.

I see the door is already open. I step out my car and walk in.

My apparel does not fit the vibe of what the party could be but I follow the noise as I walk through the house.

I walk in a big room with lights flashing and music bumping. I see him across the room playing pool with three other guys. I pass my way through the people who have shown up so far and walk up to him.

"The Solar Zane." He says happily. "I'm glad you showed up."

I giggle. "I could never miss a party a random asked me to come to!" I stare at him alluringly.

"You still don't know me." He continues. "I'm Ryder."

"Nice to meet you, Ryder."

"I would say nice to meet you to, but I know who you are." I wonder how. This is getting a little creepy. Or romantic? I have a secret admirer maybe. Or a stalker.

"So why'd you invite me here? This isn't my type of thing."

"I know it isn't. But I wanted you to come. Come upstairs with me, I want to show you something." He says calmly.

"Yes like I'm going to follow a person I just met who somehow already knows me. What if he murders me?" I think sarcastically.

I follow him up the rigid brown staircase.

As I get off the last step I look to the left and see a huge bookshelf with atleast 300 books.

"You have you're own personal library, this is beautiful." I say excitedly.

"I thought you would like it." He smiles.

"What's your favorite book?" I ask as I skim read the spine of each book visible.

"𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑦 Catherine McKenzie."

"So you're into fiction, me too!"

"You can come over anytime if you'd like and read." He tells me.

I'm shocked. I just met this man and I already feel like we're going to become close. He's attractive, reads books, and nice? He's my type.

"I'd love to, thank you. This is really cool how you've put all this together." I thank him

"You're welcome. Also my family helped me put all this together. The bookshelf itself is from my grandfather. He liked to read as well. A couple years before he passed, he handed it down to me with a couple of good books he has recommended to me."

"I'm sorry for your loss. He seems like a sweet person. That's kind of him to hand it down to you."

"Yeah, he was the best." He seems upset but grateful he was the way he was.

He takes a few steps closer to me as I take out a book from the shelf.

I feel him breathing on me. "This is a great read. I've read it a few times. The main character seems so genuine, it's amazing." I look up at him and smile.

He's only a few inches from my lips. I'm debating on if I should kiss him or not, like it may be too soon but I also feel like we've really hit it off.

He leans in as if he could read my mind. He gently turns my head a little more towards him and kisses me. His soft lips reach mine for what feels so heavenly. He's a great kisser, atleast for what those five seconds were.

Carly soon walks in and shouts "Solar?!?!"

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