[Ch.25] Cleaning Up the Mess and Jonathan's Decision

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'word'= thoughts
"word"= speech
*word*= action
word = will be explained at the end of the chapter

--One day Later--
[Victor PoV]

Aya Interviewed/Interrogated me for an hour she started asking about the fight in the Garden and I told what happened but I didn't say I died to avoid confusion, then she asked several personal questions that I refused to answer so she made some threats but I knew she wouldn't do anything or Yuuka would blow up the mountain again. So she appealed to the point of trying to seduce me and even bit my neck but I resisted the temptation and said no, she still persisted for another 20 minutes until she got frustrated and left.

When I finally went back to the Garden I saw that Yuuka had already removed all the boulders including the one from inside the house so I helped her to cover all the holes in the ground and after a day we finished, now I'm on top of the roof fixing the hole that the Celestial did.

[Victor] "I've never fixed a roof before so don't blame me if it leaks when it rains" i say while hammering on a nail

[Yuuka] "It's okay, the leaks will fall on your face not mine since you sleep here anyway" she says from inside the living room as she watches me fix the ceiling

[Victor] "Be careful I may let the hammer slip and fall on your head" i say with a smile

[Yuuka] "It would be a shame if that happens otherwise I would have to go up there and hammer the nail with your head"

After she says that I look down and see her with arms crossed and a creepy smile as she stares at me with her eyes almost closed.

[Victor] "T-That would be really a shame" I say nervously as I go back to work

After an hour I finish nailing the timbers and get up carefully so as not to fall off the roof and then I take a few steps over where I fixed to see if it's resistant.

'I still haven't fallen so it should be fine'

[Yuuka] "Are you done ?" she asks as she appears floating on my side

[Victor] "Yes, I will put the tiles and the-*CREAK*"

I look down and see the wood cracking in half so I look at Yuuka and see her with a smile on her face

[Yuuka] "Oh my" she says as she puts a hand over her mouth

[Victor] "...Fuc*Ceiling breaks*

I fall but before I hit the floor Yuuka holds me by the hand and starts laughing while taking me up on the roof again.

[Yuuka] "Hahahaha sorry sorry, but the panicked expression you made was priceless"

[Victor] "This is....not funny at all" I say in a dejected voice as I look at all the work I have to redo

[Yuuka] "Don't be so down, You will only be a little late for lunch" she says while patting my head

I fix everything again while I mumble and then put in the new tiles. After finishing I lunch late and train with Yuuka, during my training/beating Wriggle arrives and sits on the side of the house cheering for me but after a while and a lot of punches in my face she just watches with a worried face.

--1 Hour Timeskip--

After being beaten up by Yuuka I sat on the chair at the tea table and laid my head on the table exhausted then Wriggle came and stood beside me

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