
Instagram post by Naomi:

Instagram post by Naomi:

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@username1: ok what a view that is!! marvel be sparing no expenses

@username2: I wish I could nap like a kid again

@sineaddevries: he's asleep now call me

@username3: Naomi's home-decor style is everything
@username4: for real she needs a home decorating show ASAP

@scottevans: come to Chris apartment I wanna see you
@naomidevon: no way are you in LA right now !! You little shit why didn't you say anything

@username5: someone get me that Naomi Devon lifestyle

@username6: ok but no one talks about hoe much of an icon Naomi actually is
@username7: she's a single mother working on a marble movie set like that's got to be hard


"No it's okay he's asleep in his room I moved him" Naomi reassured Sinead and mason on the other end of the phone. As both of them didn't want to wake the little boy from his nap.

"Alright okay well now you have no excuses spill" mason demanded as Naomi placed the phone down on her kitchen counter resting it against the knife block as she looked at her friends faces coming through the phone.

"Yup come on Ny it's been like twelve hours since this date and we are yet to hear a thing" Sinead also stated wanting to know more about her friends very newly blooming love life.

"Alright hold on let me grab a drink then we can chat" Naomi said pouring herself some of the smoothie she'd made with Zach earlier. She then took her friends over to the couch where she sat and told them about her date, making sure to include just how much fun she had.

"So has Chris won a second date" mason asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Sinead widened her eyes as she waited for Naomi to reply, but when she didn't immediately say yes both woman in the phone grew curious but still waited for Naomi to reply.

"I'm not sure yet, I don't know why but after he kissed me I kind of freaked out internally" Naomi admitted letting out a sigh before taking a long sip of her smoothie.

"Did he notice you freaking out?" Sinead asked carefully. Naomi shrugged "maybe I think I mostly hid it well and it wasn't awkward or anything  I was just mentally screaming at myself until I got home"

"Do you regret kissing him?" Mason pried trying to word her question in a positive way that wouldn't make Naomi think negatively of the date but she failed immensely.

"Maybe I do" Naomi sighed throwing her head back. Mason internally cringed as her friend admitted the exact opposite of what she wished she would say. Sinead and mason had been encouraging Naomi to start dating again for a few months now. They were extremely exited when she had told them about the date, but now mason was slightly worried about Chris being possibly lead on and Both Sinead and mason was worried that after her last boyfriend that Naomi's confidence had been shattered when it came to men even if she didn't notice it herself.

"I just think that it may have been moving to fast"
Naomi admitted after thinking for a second,
"Which I know it doesn't sound like it was that fast because kissing on the first date is probably normal but I don't know I think it felt a bit fast for me but I didn't want to say no because I do like Chris...a lot"

"And if I'm kissing him on the first date god knows what I'll do on the second or third. I can't go that quick I have Zach to think about i don't want to suddenly drop a man in his life without any warning or build up"

"Tell him that" Sinead stated, "don't push him away because one date went slightly to fast ask him to slow down a bit"

"Yeah you know Chris he may be a big soppy romantic but he's not going to ask you to marry him tomorrow, he just wants you to be happy and comfortable" mason added on, using her knowledge of Chris's character to encourage Naomi.

Naomi nodded slowly letting a hint of a smile wash over her face, "I will tell him don't worry, I like Chris to much to just shove him to the side cause of my in the moment panicking"

"So you admit you like him now do I not remember you saying like a week ago that you and Chris being a thing "was not happening"" mason jokingly quoted her best friends text from the previous week grinning wildly as Naomi flushed pink.

"I'm allowed to change my mind" Naomi defended as both Sinead and mason giggled.

"Mamma" a small voice came from behind the couch, Naomi spun round to see a tired looking Zach just waking up. She quickly turned back to her phone and smiled "well the prince has awoken so I got to go but I'll talk to you both soon"

"You better I miss our weekly coffee dates" Sinead said pointing her finger at the screen making Naomi chuckle.
"I promise I will, I miss you guys too you should come out soon I'll even pay for your flights"

"Free flights I'm in" mason quickly said smiling, "I'll text Scott and see how long he's staying out there I want to see him to" she added a second later.

"Please do tell me when you need the flights by and I'll get them for you both" Naomi grinned and said her goodbyes as both Sinead and mason waved her off the screen and got back to their own lives in New York.

"Right then Zach what are we having for dinner today" Naomi asked turning around the fully face the little boy.

A/n: sorry this didn't update stick to my one update every ten day schedule shit got busy but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so the next one shouldn't be as long of a wait

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A/n: sorry this didn't update stick to my one update every ten day schedule shit got busy but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so the next one shouldn't be as long of a wait.

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