kidnaped{part 17}

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ehellpo my teddy bears it's nice to write again I think this will have 20 parts cuz I love drama / sad bakugou

no one's pov

it was quiet for a moment till izuku grabbed kat's hand and they went in the kitchen iauku made a sandwich for him and kat because they were hungry

back to the living room btw 👆 is how the living room look

"well at least izuku is taking care of kat" himi said "yup and he's doing a good job cuz kat talked more than he usually do" mitsuki said "well isn't that his omega ofc he would take care of him" enji said "sweetie they aren't mated" rei said laughing at her husband shocked face "wait they aren't!!" afo said "pfft wait why did you all think that" tenya said "well cuz of how they are always around each other "shiggy said "that's because they clamed to be best friends" shoto said causing everyone to laugh

after about 30 mins of talking "hey guys aren't izu and kat taking a little to long in the kitchen" dabi said "oh yeah wonder why " inko said just thrn they haered glass shattering so everyone got up and bacically sprinted to the kitchen when the got there they saw izuku passed out on the floor with a cut on his stomach not that deep tho and a note on the table and kat was nowhere to be found so inko, rei and mitsuki carried izu to the medical room and treated his wound whiles downstairs afo was reading the note out loud the note said

dear afo

we have figured out or have info about so we decieded to take one of the kids

I bealived katsuki was his name an we are going to torture him badly

so you better fine us soon if you care about him

singed: ☠

(I going sleep bye bye it's 3:46am I felt bored so I made this but now I am tiered so night teddy

bears 😴💚🧡🤧🥺)

My royal alpha dekubaku (omgeaverse)😗💞 finishedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora