"Or else?"

"Or else I will put a bullet through you."

She retrieved her dagger from Richard and stood up, letting go of him at last as he keeled over, the wound in his stomach becoming visible as she had pulled out the other dagger that was in, blood pouring out from the gash.

"What the hell..." Jay's eyes had widened in alarm.

"Jason, no!" Richard saw exactly what was going to happen. 

True enough, the boy would have rushed to his brother's side if not for a dagger that came aimed for him, penetrating through his jacket and striking the wall. 

It very slightly grazed his skin but the sleeve was pinned to the wall due to the dagger.

Barbara held her gun at the ready, eyes judging each move Lavina made since she was well aware that the woman could strike unexpectedly and was very unpredictable. The daggers she held in her hands as she came to stand in front of Barbara made her seem no less than a dangerous psychopath.

"What happened, Barbara Gordon? Not in the mood of shooting me anymore?" She taunted, holding out the dagger that was soaked in Richard's blood. 

"I will if you dare to do anything suspicious."

"Let me just remind you that the minute you'll shoot a bullet from this GCPD authorized gun at me, you will not only lose your job but also a lot more. So think wisely before you act," the smile on her face was unnerving, "or rather, take my advice. Go home and forget you were even here."

"I'm not going anywhere," she replied firmly, "you have threatened the life of a civilian and this is first degree attempt at murder. I won't go anywhere until you're turned in for your actions."

She shook her head, laughing as if she had told her a joke, "my dear, what stupendous tales you weave... First degree attempt at murder? Bullshit."

Jason had ripped his arm out of the sleeve as discreetly as he could so that he could catch Lavina off guard and help out his friends.

"Don't you dare hurt them," Richard tried to stand up, his hands pressing onto the wound to staunch the blood flow. "You want to take me, don't you? I'll come with you. Just stay away from them."

"You will what?" She asked in a mocking voice, "come with me? Really?"


"Richard, no," Barbara spoke up, "you don't have to do anything she tells you to. We'll be fine. She can't possibly kill all of us right now."

"Oh, I can," her eyes flickered to her daggers again as if proving her point.

However, the front door burst open and all of them turned to look at the woman who stood there with a crossbow in hand, "not on my watch."

Helena had showed up and though the rest of them were surprised to see her there since they had clearly not called her for help, Laurie had called her up when Jason had made the call to Barbara since the boy could sense something was wrong.

"Just how many friends do you have who are this stupid to die for you?" Lavina asked Richard, noting the rage spreading on Helena's features upon seeing her bestfriend injured.

"Enough to outnumber you," Helena answered instead, an arrow leaving her crossbow that came straight for her hand that was holding the daggers.

Though Lavina knew something of the sort would happen as she effortlessly dodged it, her dark gown opening up like a fan as she spun. It was then Helena realized that the outfit wasn't made of normal fabric, instead it had acted as a shield since the arrow didn't penetrate through it.

Jason had reached Richard while Lavina was distracted by Helena and Barbara, helping him stand up as he took him to the kitchen, fetching paper towels that he held against his wound at the moment.

"I was never here to take Richard with me anyway," she added, "if only he hadn't started up this fight, we would be discussing the matter over a cup of tea. Just like we always did."

"So you could drug him with that tea and keep him locked up? It's better he started a fight instead," Helena snapped.

Her eyes flashed in irritation as she noticed that Jay had taken Richard to the kitchen, "all of you are really starting to get on my nerves..."

"Drop your fucking daggers," Helena had pulled in another arrow in her crossbow, "you aren't going to win this fight so better spare us and yourself the trouble."

"Why don't we have a little chat?"

"After injuring my best friend, you seriously expect me to sit down and chat with you? The least I can do is call the GCPD and sue you. The worst I can do is get even," her grey eyes were sparking fiercely as she spoke.

The daggers vanished in the sleeves of Lavina's dress as if the blades weren't even there in the first place, much to their astonishment.

"Your best friend accused me of Timothy Drake's suicide," she resumed in a calm tone and opened up her bloodied palm, showing the cut, "he was the one who threw a dagger at me first. So if you call the cops, I have enough to put you all in trouble too. Your other best friend is here without an arrest warrant and even the police's knowledge, threatening me with an authorized gun. Besides, Richard has too many secrets to hide from the police, it surely won't do him any good if you involve the cops. As far as I know, you don't have a good experience with the GCPD either, Miss Bartinelli; after all not many people get away when their crime history ties them up to massacres."

It was taking Helena a lot of self-control not to lash out at her right then, "no one asked you about that."

"Ah but I am telling you either way. If the GCPD shows up, you all are going to be in trouble, not the other way round."

"That's exactly why they aren't here yet," Barbara remarked, "so before we get even, you better explain why you're here and why you injured Richard."

"That was self-defense," Lavina shrugged nonchalantly, "your boyfriend has an extremely volatile temper, not preferable in the long run. Word of advice, back off when you still can."

"Keep your advice to yourself."

"Gladly," her smile widened, "but it's time for me to leave now. I have places to be, people to meet..."

Helena stepped closer to her while Barbara blocked the door. "You aren't going anywhere."

"We'll see about that."

"Shit," Helena looked down at the grenade she had dropped and soon enough the house was filled up with a dark suffocating gas.

"You better hope I never get to see you all again or I am not going to be this lenient," Lavina's voice was the last they heard as the gas got too suffocating to breathe.

Jason who had been in the kitchen reacted fast as he opened up all the windows he could in order to exhaust the gas out of the house.

However, a painful scream ensued and Helena fought against the dark gas to get to Barbara and gripped her arm tightly. The redhead had fallen down on her knees, darkness clouding her vision.

"Barbara," Richard too struggled to get to her but the pain from his wound was increasing.

Helena had pulled her close, watching her friend slip into unconsciousness. It was evident that in order to escape, Lavina must have done something to her that had reduced her to such a state.

True enough, Helena's hand came in contact with something wet on her back. Turning her limp figure over, she saw deep gashes on her friend's back, blood gushing out from the very deep claw-like imprints that had dragged all the way down from her shoulders to her waist.

One thing was clear to them all by then. Lavina Vikander was up to something far more dangerous than anything she would have done before and she clearly had no barriers to hold her back.

The way she was fearlessly resorting towards violence proved the fact. And if a stop wasn't put to the schemes brewing in her head, it could turn out fatal for them all.


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