Everybody then continued what they were doing as Nate got up and sped walked away. After that Blue walked over to Jack and Owen and the rest of the human-raptor hybrids went for a run in the jungle for exercise.

-10 minutes later-

Nate got down from the catwalk and was beginning his 3rd lap around the paddock, that's when he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around and jumped a bit

Blue: oh sorry for scaring you, um can you help me?

Nate: uh sure what is it

Blue: so whenever I'm around your brother Jack, I feel a mix of happiness, nervousness, apparently my face gets red and my heart beats fast, do you know what that feeling is called


Blue: what?

Nate: you like my brother?

Blue: well of course I do, I consider him a friend

Nate: no... I-I mean the feeling you described, it's love, you love my brother

Blue: what's love?

Nate: its when you want to be with someone

Blue: like a mate?

Nate: yes exactly

That's when in snapped into Blue's mind, this whole time she had feelings for Jack and wanted to be mates with him. Blue started to blush at the realization.

Blue: um... h-how.... do humans.... show that they love someone?

Nate: they can hug which is where they wrapped their arms around each other or kissing where they press each other's lips together or just being around them I guess, oh and do you mind if I ask you a question?

Blue: um s-sure

Nate: so I know your hybrids and I see the human part but where's the raptor part?

Blue: well first there's are speed, strength, reflexes, there's the fact they my eyes are yellow, the blue streak in my hair which is actually how I got my name and then there's these

Blue then brought up her hand as her nails turned to razor sharp claws. Nate jumped a little, blue then brought her normal nails back.

Blue: by the way, when Echo pinned you down, did she bring out her claws?

Nate: um n-no, I mean I-it was scary but it felt like she was holding back some of her strength

That's when Nate noticed Blue trying her best not to laugh, Nate then felt nervous

Nate: wh-what, what does that mean?

Blue: *giggle* n-nothing *giggle* th-thank you for the information

Blue then ran away as she was giggling. Nate was confused but continued on.

-4 and a half hours later-

Nate was just finishing checking out the gate part of the paddock when he noticed the guards in front of him looking a little spooked and aiming their guns slightly up, that's when he heard a voice behind him.

Echo: oh cool it will ya, you can lower your freakin guns it isn't like I'm gonna kill anybody!

The guard continued on their was as Nate turned around to see Echo.

Echo: hey dweeb..... look I'm sorry about what happened a while back... you just surprised me and I'm a little too on guard with things ok?

Nate: uh.... o-ok it's alright... I forgive you

Brute Raptor Love (human Echo x OC) ( a Jurassic Love spin-off) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now