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As we where walking in the island we had discovered we had just realised we were lost we looked everywhere but it was no use we are stuck here for good we all say in our heads. We keep looking around and while we are a monkeys were swinging from tree to tree. While we were walking we came across many different native animals such as wild dogs,monkeys and much more beautiful scenery to admire. We decided to camp on this island we were going to make a house out of sticks,vines and leaves. We had a long walk and collected a lot of these materials, it looked like the sun was going down fast so we hurried and collect Abit more, we all hurried back and started constructing our camp that we were going spend the night from some skills we have learned from the past. It was now dark we lit our camp fire. Later that night we slept on the hard ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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