July 28, 2012 Part 1

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 At 6:30, my alarm went off and I woke up feeling very disgusted. We moved into our new house, like, a week ago. I still am not a fan to the musty smell of the new purple paint that the OG owners decided to put on the walls right before they left.

Today we have to go to Willow Grove Junior High for a first-day-of-school sorta thing. We have to be there at 8:00 and shadow an 8th grader around the school so we know where our classes are. I think it's also because the principal doesn't want people like me to be lonely so, he forces the poor 8th graders to baby-sit us 6th graders. That would be a lot more reasonable. 

I slipped on black skinny jeans, a white shirt with a plaid button-up long-sleeve shirt, and my black high-top converse. I opened my computer because Alex said that she wanted to call me this morning.

I sat down at my desk and noticed that my mom made me toast and eggs on a plate. She also wrote a note that says, "Have a good day, Honey!" 

I smiled slightly. Usually, 6th graders don't get notes from their Moms because they're "too old". Honestly, I love it when my mom gives me notes. I don't think that you're ever too old to be loved by your Mom. 

I pressed the call button on the keypad and the computer the ringing sound filled my room. i put my earbuds in so my sisters couldn't hear what me and Alex would talk about. I brushed out my hair, which was a complete rats' nest by the way, and but on my signature purple beanie. I looked back to the computer screen to see that the Skype call was ignored. 

"Alex has never done that before," I thought. I called again and decided that if she didn't answer I would stop trying. I didn't want to come off as annoying. She answered, but the person on the screen wasn't Alex. In fact, it wasn't even a girl. It looked like Conner!

His hair was all messy and he was eating a big bowl of fruit loops. It looked like he got straight outta bed. Like, he didn't even have a shirt on or anything.

"Spencer, what do you want?" he said with a major voice crack. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. I've only met him twice, this being the second time, and I could tell he had a very clumsy personality. 

He looked at the screen and immediately went red, just like at the gas station. 

"Uhmmm, hold on....," he said. He turned off his camera but forgot to turn off his mic.

You could hear the door squeak open and him shouting, "ALEX! YOUR GAS STATION FRIEND IS ON THE COMPUTER!" 

I started chuckling again and I could hear Alex coming through the door. 

"Conner! Did you seriously answer the call like that?" she asked. 

"Okay, to be fair, I thought it was Spencer. That's not my fault." he said in a snarky way.

"Hey, Bree," she said as she turned the camera on. "I am so sorry about Conner."

"Hehehe," I chuckled. "You guys are gonna have to get different computers. I don't think I can do a replay of what just happened over and over again." We both started laughing and we started talking about what classes we were in. 

"Yeah, it looks like we have English, P.E., Geography, Science, and Lunch together!" Alex said.

"Wow! That's like most of our periods!" I said. 

"Yeah! Hey, do you know what 8th grader you have to shadow?" 

"Um...," I said looking at my schedule sheet. "It looks like I have Kimberely Seehan? Do you now who that is?" 

"Oh! You are so lucky! Yeah, she is one of the most popular girls at this school. If you become friends with her, you'll have a pretty good year."

"What if I don't?" I asked.

"Ummm, lets not talk about that. Because, chances are, you probably will become her friend. You are a really cool person to hang out with."

"And YOU are the sweetest person that I know," I said. We both laughed for a little bit. I looked at my clock and realized the time. We have been talking for a while!

"Oh, shoot!" I said. "It's 7:45! We have to go! Um, talk to you at school?" I asked.

"Oh my God, I didn't realize the time! Yeah, see you at school Bree!" Alex said.

"K, bye!" I said quickly. I shut off my computer and rushed downstairs. 

"Bree, imma miss you!" said Olivia. I felt really loved. None of my sisters had ever said that to me. I kissed her on the top of the head.

"Imma miss you, too Liv!" I said, "Dad! C'mon! We have to go to school! I don't wanna be late for orientation!"

"Okay! Get in the car! I'll be there!" he said back.

As I rushed out the door and into the car, I immediately felt nervous. I have no idea why, though. I felt scared to step into school. I felt scared to meet Kimberely. I felt scared to meet my new teachers, especially Mrs. Peters. I just felt scared in general. 

"Well, there's no way that you can turn back now," I keep thinking to myself. "Life can't get any worse than this."

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