July 28, 2012 Part 2

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I got out of the car on the parking lot to my new school, Willow Grove Junior High. There was hundreds of students, hundreds of cars, and hundreds of adults. Even though I seem like a pretty chill girl on the outside, I kind of break down on the inside. I don't think that I've told anyone this before. I just pretend to act chill and seem cool with everything. 

I looked around and I couldn't see the Baileys anywhere. But what I did notice was that there was a big banner that read, "Welcome Newbies!" It looked like it was written by a group of middle school boys who could care less about what they were doing. 

I started walking toward the building but my dad stopped me. I turned around and he gave me a big hug. I hugged him back. Sometimes, he can be really sweet when he wants to. 

"Just remember, after this, you get 2 weeks off before school starts. Just, think of that as a reward, okay?" he said.

"Okay Dad. See you at 3?" I asked. 

"Yup," he said. After that, he started the car and drove off. Okay, now I was officially alone. I had no idea where to go. I sat down on a bench near the entrance to the Gymnasium and took my backpack off my shoulders. I set it down and looked in my folder for my schedule sheet. I took it out and read what it said out loud to myself: "Sign in at the sign up sheet on the table at the entrance to the gym."

I set my grabbed my backpack and folder and went to the sign-in table. There was a lot of names and a lot of papers. Knowing that this was only the 6th graders, I was very surprised. But it made sense since this is the only school in Willow Grove. I took the red pen and signed my name Breeanne Campbell. I thought that I should use my full name because that was how it was written on my schedule sheet. I rarely ever use my real name. It sounds waaay to girly for me. I put the cap back on the pen and read the next instructions out loud: "After you sign in, go to the gymnasium and take a seat on the bleachers. There will be a presentation shortly after you arrive. After the presentation, you will be paired up with your 8th grade buddy and start your school day."

I put my folder in my backpack and headed inside the gym. As soon as I got there, there was a stage on the other side of the room. I guess they used this as the auditorium, too. The bleachers were pulled down on the side that I came through. The were the kind that are stacked, but there is a handle that you put to bring them all down. It's kinda confusing. 

I just sat at the top of the bleachers. Everybody else was in friend groups and I looked like the odd one out because I was the only one that was sitting alone. I put in my earbuds and just shuffled my Spotify playlist. I just decided to look around the gym. There were boys playing basketball and most of the were actually really good. I recognized Spencer in the group of boys. he was probably the best one on the court. 

I just grabbed a random ball on the court and started shooting. I loved playing basketball and was on a club team in New York. I dribbled it between my legs and started shooting 3's. I mean, I made most of them and.....maybe......air-balled one. But we won't talk about that. I was about to shoot but someone came up next to me. 

"Hey, can I see the ball?" said a voice that I recognized. I looked and saw that it was Conner Bailey. He had his hands out like he was ready to catch the ball at any time. I tossed the ball to him and he shot the smoothest 3 that I have ever seen. As soon as it went through the hoop, he looked at me and I could tell he was trying to start a challenge. 

"Oh, you are on!" I said. 

I grabbed another ball next to me and we started shooting them. A small group, boys and girls both, started counting our shots. Some of them even set a timer to see who could get the most shots in 60 seconds. After the last second, I tried to make one last shot. I knew that I probably couldn't make it. I mean, I was halfway between the 3 line and the half-court line. I just shot it to say I tried. The girl's timer on her phone went off and I went to grab a drink from the vending machine. I left the gym and got out my wallet. 

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