Deal (To Live) or No Deal (To Die)

Start from the beginning

"Wait, what? So you basically get in my drawers to use my body down here for this new deal that you didn't really tell me about all for a child that I'm not going to keep!" she yelled at him. Jaide's heart raced and she felt an all too familiar feeling.

"I didn't use you."

"Yes you did!"

"I like you! That's the only reason why I changed the deal for you to give me an offspring instead! I don't want to see you spend an eternity down here in Hell! Time goes by so fast -"

Angry and hungry, she could no longer control herself! Jaide had grabbed Carrigan and then bit right into his shoulder! A loud roar escaped his mouth and he shoved Jaide off him. She balanced her weight on her feet as she was pushed and slid all the way back into the room. Still hungry, she had raced towards the doors that automatically shut before her.

He stood on the other side of the door with a smudge grin on his face as Noelle joined him. Jaide raised her hands into fists and started beating on the door.

"I'm still hungry," she sings, tilting her head to the side and grinning.

The depth of the glass doors were so thick that she couldn't hear them as the Devil leaned in close to Noelle and talked. Her eyes were fixed on Jaide and she was gently mugging her at first until she stopped. Her eyes were glossy with tears as she watched the Devil take off into the air with his black wings.

Noelle calmly walked over to the doors as they opened by themselves. "If I were you, I wouldn't cry," she said.

"You weren't used by him."

"I'm a demon with limitless loyalty. The Devil can use me at any time without my feelings being hurt."

"You're incapable of hurting," Jaide turned away from her and said. It wasn't a question. Noelle silently followed after her and then went over to the long and golden wall of dresser drawers.

Jaide watched as she pulled one of the drawers out of the wall and then retrieved a pair of black jeans and a sleeveless, laced shirt from it. She then went over to another drawer, pulling a black bra and panties from it. Noelle had gathered her a sexy outfit to wear without knowing what she likes.

"Get dressed." She ordered her and laid the clothes out onto the bed. At the snap of her fingers, the sheets and blanket made itself up.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You said you were hungry? The Devil wants me to take you to go and feed. There's nothing edible down here which he has plans to change soon," she informed her. Sighing, Noelle went over to the door and stood in the doorway.

"What do you mean changing soon?"

"Well for one, we can't have you being on Earth and in harm's way of the Nephilims. They'll easily snuff you out, so you are to remain here in Hell during the remainder of your pregnancy. You have ten minutes."

In less than 10 minutes, Jaide had freshened up in the huge bathroom and dressed into the clothes that Noelle had laid out for her. She had stopped in the mirror and glanced at her reflection; she didn't look anywhere near pregnant. Sighing, Jaide exited the bathroom and joined Noelle.

Her way of getting to Earth was different from the Devil's way. Noelle couldn't open portals, but she got them through by using a small pond of water from the backyard. Jaide was thinking that her close were going to be wet and she'd drown before they made it to the other side but it was completely the opposite. They entered a dimly lit room through a mirror.

Noelle quickly went around turning on the lights. Jaide then realized that they were at the penthouse as she looked around. She hadn't been in the penthouse long enough to remember every room but she always felt like it was mystical.

"I'm pretty sure that you have some questions?" She asked Jaide, folding her fingers together.

"How many deals have the Devil made like this?"

"He never makes the same deals twice, Jaide. Unlike most humans that strike a deal with him that meet their end once the deal is over, it will be different for you."

"How do you know if I'll make it out alive from this after giving birth?" Jaide snapped.

"I don't know and I really don't care. I just know that I'm tasked with helping the Devil keep your body alive until it's time. Now we don't have long before the Nephilims smell you. You've been to Hell now. You have a scent," she explained and then started walking away.

She couldn't do just anything that she wanted like how she could with Carrigan. Noelle had escorted her around to places where Jaide could feed. She'd lure her victim away and then drink from them, surprisingly, her jaws didn't tear open.

"That's different," Jaide softly said, now wiping her mouth clean.

"What is?" Noelle stood adjacent and calm with her arms folded across her breasts.

"My skin didn't tear. When I first fed, my face would tear around the jaws and then go back into place."

"Maybe it's the pregnancy," Noelle said.

"Sore word right now. I'm still adjusting."

"Shit!" she hissed. "We've been spotted!"

They both looked to see a figure standing at the end of the alley with gold glowing eyes, his shoulders rising up and then down as he breathed hard. "Get back to the penthouse. I got this!" she ordered Jaide.

"I can help!"

"Just go!" Noelle yelled. She watched as Noelle transformed from being a human woman and into a dark green skinned demon with red eyes and cracked skin with dark markings down the side of her neck and arms. She withdrew a blade from thin air and then crouched low to the ground.

Jaide turned and then started running the opposite way as a fight now broke out. She then reached a dead end. Jaide didn't panic. She glanced up the brick wall, seeing that it was the only way up.

Noelle and the Nephilim she fought were grunting and shouting as they fought each other. Jaide glared behind her, now seeing a shadow of Noelle harshly slapping the other person, who comes back and rams her into the wall; the two of them both fall through the brick wall, debris and dust flying everywhere.

Jaide turned back to the wall. She really wanted to climb and scale the wall to escape. She placed one hand onto the wall after the other and then firmly pressed her tips onto the hard surface.

She was climbing halfway up the wall when she heard Noelle loudly cry out followed by the noise of a wall breaking again. Jaide stole a glance behind her to see the Nephilim running towards her. She turned back around and started climbing faster.

"No you don't!" Noelle yelled from afar.

When she reached the ledge on the top, she kicked off and launched into the air. Jaide loudly yelped as a woman appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her by the throat. There was a sinister gleam in her eyes as she smiled from ear to ear.

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