🤔 What Is A Foxer? 🤓

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Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Monotremata
Suborder(s): Haplorhini, Caniformia, and Feliformia
Family: Foxeradae
Subfamily: Ornithorhynchidae
Genus: Canidae and Felidae
Conservation Status: Least Concern

A Foxer, also known as Vulpes Tigris are a part of a unique family of it's own called "Foxeradae". Foxers are semi-aquatic as in they can breath underwater and on land, Foxers are also monotremes meaning that they're mammals that lay eggs instead of giving live birth, and Foxers are known for planting seeds of a bunch of trees after chopping them down for their houses in order to make sure their home Foxer Island is still a safe place for all ages to live.

Not to mention that Foxers are also known for being very sociable and having very close bonds between not only each other, but also other species of Foxer and even different species of animal around the world. This is due to their belief that ALL animals are important for the environment and biodiversity. Foxers also belive that the animals that have been put on this earth to do their part for the environment must NEVER not only be underestimated, but also not be mistreated.

Foxers are a very unique, but also very complex AND complicated species in both the Animal Kingdom and the entire world. Sit back and let me explain everything...

Foxers and their home, Foxer Island, were discovered in the late 1700's and since then Humans have been forever baffled by both the Foxer's biology AND psychology. Because of this scientists and researchers had trouble putting Foxers in what could be considered the right place for Foxers and Foxers only.

You think this would be easy, but the problem is that Foxers are the only species of their kind to not only be highly intelligent but also fully sentient enough to have and make their own ideas/thoughts along with speaking full sentences.

Now you might say, "But what about us humans!? Aren't we supposed be all of that!?" Well that's where the difference between Foxers and us Humans come into play. Yes we humans DID evolve to get to where we are today, but we actually lost a lot of characteristics that was once useful before we started to do things like using fire or walking up right.

Now Foxers on the other hand are special in this regard. While they did evolve to become highly intelligent and fully sentient enough to do what we do today, the thing is that they still have most of their animalistic abilities and details because while they did evolve like us, they still use those animalistic abilities to their advantage!

For example while Foxers are mostly bipedal, however Foxers can still run quadrupedally in order to get from one place to another more quickly while still having the ability to be bipedal whenever they need to slow down and walk carefully around areas that may be dangerous. Or another example is that Foxers still have their coats of fur for the same reason why most animals have fur; temperature regulation.

Because of this Foxers had to be placed in more than one Suborder and Genus as place holders until both scientists and researchers can get to the bottom of this, so far in modern times both scientists and researchers are STILL stumped much to their own dismay.

To make things worse some Foxers are either Herbivores, Frugivores, and or even Omnivores. Notice anything? Yeah, there's no recently known carnivorous species of Foxer!

Well actually there's at least one so far, BUT that carnivorous species of Foxer have been extinct due to the competition in the middle of the Second Ice Age. So because of THAT, it's just adds more layers and layers to how complicated the entire species of Foxer already is.

Keep in mind that this book will and is ONLY focusing on the species of Foxer that's been discovered and currently still inhabiting Foxer Island. Now that you know what a Foxer is and their history, let's jump right in!

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