July 10, 2012

139 1 2

"Are we almost there yet?" My little sister, Olivia, asked from the back for the 12th time. 

"No, honey. We still have 2 hours to go." My mom replied, obviously annoyed.

Even though we shouldn't have favorites, my mom is my favorite and I know that I'm her's. The cool thing about her is that she never gets annoyed or loses her temper. I mean, if I had 4 rambunctious kids, I would be driven crazy. 

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Okay, there are 3 things that you need to know about me. 

#1: I have 3 little sisters ( all of which are very annoying and spoiled) Olivia, age 6, Ava, age 9, and Sophia, age 11. 

#2: My dad is moving to Willow Grove, Connecticut for a job offer. We used to live in New York, New York, so transferring from a big city to a small town is a HUGE change for all of us. Oh! Also, my deceased Grandma, Anneliese, used to live in Willow Grove but her side of the family is really weird and creepy (no offense to Grandma) so I didn't really get to know them very well.

#3: I am going to a new junior high not knowing ANYONE. Like, absolutely no one. Plus, in junior high you either EAT, or GET EATEN. I just hope that on the first day I won't be sitting alone... in a bathroom stall... by myself.

Anyways, let's get back to the story.

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"SHUT UP!" screamed Ava, who's right next to me.

"GUYS I'M TRYING TO WATCH MEAN GIRLS! CAN Y'ALL JUST BE QUIET" screamed my third little sister, Sophia, from next to Olivia. 

Now, this happens a lot so I just learn to keep my mouth shut and not say anything. My mom really appreciates this and I want to do the best I can to help her. 


"Okay sweetie, we're pulling into CircleK right now." said my mom.

Honestly, I don't know how she does it. If my daughter cried like that, I would smack her so hard, she would reach the other side of the world. 

As soon as we got out, Ava, Olivia, and Sophia all ran into the bathroom calling dibs on the handicapped toilet. I know, embarrassing. 

My mom pulled me aside and said, "Thank you so much for staying calm, sweetie. I know you're having a hard time with all this moving stuff. And you're going through a lot of changes-"

"MOM!" I hissed loudly. Every time she talks to me privately, she always talks about me "changing". 

"Oh! I'm sorry. Okay, anyways, I just wanted to give you $10 because you have been so patient with your sisters and with me. I love you." 

"Thanks Mom. But you really should be rewarding yourself. You are being so calm and I don't know how. I can tell that they get on your nerves." 

We both chuckled and went inside the gas station. She immediately went into the bathroom when she heard a bunch of women screaming from inside the girl's bathroom. 

I just decided to get a medium slushy since it was only $0.99. I went over there but saw something very disturbing. 

2 boys were pouring slushies into their mouths. But the slushies weren't even in cups, they poured it out of the faucet STRAIGHT INTO THEIR MOUTHS!

"Conner! Conner! Conner! Conner!" a boy was chanting. It looked like he was enjoying this fiasco. 

The boy looked around 12, my age, and had black hair. He looked really cute but definitely NOT my type. The boy, Conner, looked around his age, maybe a bit younger. He had this really babyish look to his face, like he hadn't quite hit puberty yet. This may sound really mean but I immediately nick-named him man-baby. Right then and there. That is what I thought of him though. First impressions mean everything.

"Oh my God! Conner stop it!" said a girl coming up from behind me. 

The looked up, blue and red slushy dripping down his face and going down his shirt. The girl grabbed a bunch of napkins and started cleaning him up. 

The girl looked exactly like him, except more mature. She looked like a someone I could easily be friends with. She had strawberry-blonde hair pushed back with a pink headband. 

This was very rude of me, and something I would never do in public, but I laughed. Like a really hard belly-laugh. Like the kind of laugh you hear when a TV show character does something stupid but it is hilarious.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA," I laughed sounding like a frickin' hyena. 

All 3 of the kids looked at me and just stared. The girl had a smirk on her face. 

Eventually, I stopped laughing and said, "I am so sorry! I never laugh like that. This is just the most hilarious thing that I have seen since a long time!" I said still wheezing. 

Conner became bright red. He looked just like a tomato. 

"I know! Boys are so stupid! Sometimes I think that I am responsible, not my mom." she said.

"Um...Alex? Can me and Spencer just go in the Mens' room. I don't need you to clean me up. I can do it myself." Conner whispered, looking SUPER red and embarrassed.

"Hehehehe," Alex chuckled. "You don't have to ask me. I'm not your mom." 

Conner just ran away pulling the boy, Spencer, along with him.

Alex laughed so freaking hard. It was hilarious. 

After we were done laughing, I asked her, "So he's your brother?" 

"Twin brother. He only has three brain cells, but you gotta love him." She said smiling. 

We started talking for a little bit and I bought her a slushy. I got her email and figured out she lived in Willow Grove and her and Conner were on a road trip with Spencer and his parents because their mom worked triple shifts at the hospital. 

I was really glad that there is someone I knew and enjoyed having around that was going to Junior High with me.

Spencer's mom came in and told Alex that they had to leave soon.

"Okay, thanks Mrs. Wickens!" she said. "I had a really fun time talking, Bree! Talk later?"

"Yeah, of course!" I said. We hugged and she went to grab Conner and Spencer.

I went back to the car and my mom asked, "Who was that?"

"Oh! That was Alex Bailey. She lives in Willow Grove and she is going to Willow Grove Junior High, too." I said.

"Oh, that's awesome! I'm glad that you're making new friends!" she said.


Okay, maybe I was overreacting a little bit. Maybe Willow Grove won't be so bad. I have 1 new bestie, and 2 acquaintances...? Maybe? Honestly I don't even know what Spencer and Conner are to me yet. But the point is that I won't be alone. And maybe, just maybe, I might be able to survive Junior High.

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