Chapter 7: Happy Birthday?

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Hey Kid! Well I can't really call you a kid anymore now can I?

So sometime at the start of the year Jules and I decided to go back to our old town.

Now I know you might not want to remember your past but while we were there,

Jules found something that belonged to your mother and well I thought it was the 

Perfect present for your 18th.

We wish you an amazing birthday Vic

Love, Andy & Jules xoxo

It must really be something for Jules to let Andy write the whole birthday card. 

I opened the box and there laid delicately inside was a black heart pendant necklace. I'm not quite sure where mum got this from but I remember a picture of her standing in between two soldiers wearing it. She truly was beautiful that night it was taken.

I took the necklace out of the box and put it on. Somehow, I'm not sure how, but somehow it made me feel closer to my mum.

'Jules told me you would be up here, I didn't believe her at first obviously but here you are hopefully not thinking about jumping?' I turned my head around and smiled softly at the person.

'I swear I'm not going to jump' I replied back to him.

'Good good, may I join you?'

I nodded gesturing to the spot next to me as Anthony- Tony I mean Tony, made his way over and sat next to me.

'So why exactly are you on a roof at-' He glanced at his watch that was on his left wrist. '-4:10 in the morning?'

'Feeling nostalgic about life?' I replied earning a little chuckle from the man.

'Birthday's tend to do that to you' He said meeting his gaze with mine.

'You don't like your birthday either?'

'More I don't like the memories that resurface. Did you know I can't remember the last time well I can't remember how any of my birthday's ended, I blame that on my dad. Bloody bastard making me feel sentimental on my birthdays'

Maybe Stark actually did have a heart other than the sarcastic comments he constantly makes.

'Well you know, the dead tend to make you feel guilty even when they're six feet under' We both  let out a chuckle before a short and I mean very short silence came over us.

'So, what's in the parcel?' Tony pointed to the flat rectangular one that was laying next to me.

'I guess we're about to find out'

I leant over and picked up the parcel. My heart seemed to beat quicker and who knows why? It's not like a million bucks is waiting in there for me.

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