Chapter 14~ Unexpected Judgement

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I sat and imagined what his reaction would be like. How will he look at me and what would he have to say. But no thought came close to him walking right past me.

My palms were sweaty, I was practically trembling as I stared into space, thoughts were pouring out of my head. My dad has never acted so cold towards me.

He didn't even look at me, he walked right past me. Even if he were to yell at me, I think that would've been better. If I don't know anything, I know that silence is a killer.

I stood still awkwardly, my hands fell to my side after I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I don't know why I bother at this point. And I can't even complain, I deserve this.

I didn't have to turn around to know that he had reconnected with my mom, I could hear them giggling, after all, they did spend months without seeing each other.

And as for me, they never fail to make me feel like crap.

I walked out of the room and headed back upstairs, nobody needed me around anyway. I sighed heavily after getting seated on my bed.

I grabbed my diary and I started to write. I wrote until I had about five pages full. Teardrops stained the pages as I took a look before closing it and placing it In a box which I hid in my closet beneath all my clothes.

I bit nervously on my lower lip because I knew that once dad is home, it's back to having family dinners and happy gatherings.

I'm pretty sure that's long gone now, happiness was replaced by disappointment because I was no longer their perfect, innocent, daughter.

Sucks for them, but I didn't ask for them to ignore my flaws. The first decision I made was to get involved with a guy that was a piece of shit, all for attention, lost my virginity to him and he made a sex tape of it.

The sad part is, I was surprised, how naive could I possibly have been? My parents knew from that day, the daughter they had only hoped to have was gone.

I could say I don't deserve half the shit that happened to me, but I did and I still do. Cause I did walk on people, I did treat others like crap. And I felt so entitled and I have taken so many things for granted.

No excuse could substitute for that fact.

Until now I'm finally fucked. What can I say?

Karma is a bitch.


I sat around the long dinner table, covered with a velvet red table cloth, and was decorated with food and vases filled with flowers. This table was not prepared for us alone.

"Are we-" I paused as I saw him walk into the room. I felt my blood boil, the audacity he has to show his face here.

But then I remember, I got nothing on him; while he has everything on me. He was suited in a grey tux, his messy brown hair added a nice touch, and his blue eyes sparkled with spite.

He walked over to me planting a kiss on my cheek, "Chantelle, don't mess this up" he whispered in my ear.

I bit down on my lip hard, I held my tummy before I took a stand, "Excuse me for a moment," I walked past him and his parents, with their eyes widened and their mouths spread open.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ross," I said as I lightly shook my head to remain polite.

"God, kill me now" I mumbled under my breath.


I returned to the room after a short while and everybody was having a jolly good time. Give me my points for that sarcastic comment.

I'm surprised nobody wants to talk about the elephant In the room, that was my big stomach. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Matteo.

With his relentless facial expression. I rolled my eyes and walked back to my seat, a plate was already fixed for me, however, my appetite was spoiled.

He must be satisfied, having another thing to blackmail me with. With my parents, their trust didn't come easy, so having the Ross family here, seeing me in this state was planned.

It wouldn't matter to me if their son wasn't a manipulative piece of shit.

"I'm glad you decided to come here, Melissa," my father said breaking the awkward silence, "I know you had some family business to attend to."

"Well, this is important as well, since we are soon to become family also," she replied

What was she talking about, It couldn't be.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked suspiciously

After clearing his throat he began speaking, "your mother and I agreed it would be a good idea for you and Matteo to get married, and so did his parents"

I can't believe what I was hearing, "aren't I a bit too young to get married?"

"Aren't you a bit young to be pregnant?" he replied "your engagement will be announced to the press after you give birth, but you will live with Matteo and bond, it will do you good. We will discuss the marriage details later"

Wow, real mature, he's such an asshole. How can he ask of me to live with a man that is not the father of my baby?

"And what about the baby?" Matteo questioned, finally opening his mouth after staying quiet, "how is that going to work?"

"No one will ever know about it, at least, not anytime soon" my father reassured.

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