Broken Pieces

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Wilhelm rolled over in his bed, looking into Simon's eyes. This was his favorite part of the day, being able to see the man he loved. He wished that he would be able to do it forever, and have nothing come between them. Wilhelm's dorm room was decorated for Christmas. Even though he was going to go home for a little bit, he still wanted it to be festive. It was one of his favorite holidays after all.

"Hey," Wilhelm said to Simon, playing with his hair. "I love you."

"Wilhelm...." Simon said, sitting up. His face turned serious, and Wilhelm got worried.

"Simon? What's wrong?" Wilhelm waited for a response, but nothing happened. He leaned in to kiss him, but Simon quickly moved. "What was that for?"

"You know."

"No, I don't."

"Yes Wilhelm, you do. You know damn well why," Simon glared at him. He was obviously upset, but Wilhelm really didn't know why.

"I thought things were good between us? I thought we had a thing going on," Wilhelm said, on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, they were."

"Simon, please. Talk to me."

"Why does it matter? You'll ignore me."

"You're being stupid. Just tell me what's the matter, and everything will be fine."

"No, it won't be fine," Simon said, getting up and quickly getting dressed. "It will never be fine. This will never be fine."

"Simon please," Wilhelm said, his eyes welling up. "What did I do? Please tell me so we can figure this out."

"I told you it doesn't matter," Simon said, walking towards the door.

"Don't leave Simon," Wilhelm paused, his throat feeling dry, losing the ability to speak. He saw Simon's hand grasp the door knob and began to turn it. "I love you."

Simon was halfway out of the door, his back to Wilhelm. He stopped dead in his tracks, and sharply turned to look Wilhelm dead in the eyes.

"I hope you have a nice Christmas," Simon said, before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

Wilhelm sat on the bed in shock. Tears silently fell as he tried to think of what he did wrong, why Simon acted this way. He truly did love him, he was just afraid. Afraid of what the public would think, what his parents would think, even what he would think. He'd do anything for Simon, but he didn't think Simon felt the same. All he heard were Simon's words echoing, I hope you have a nice Christmas, over and over in his mind.

Suddenly, he heard yelling coming from outside the door. He went to get up and open the door, but he felt unable to do so. He was confused, and everything began to turn fuzzy. He heard what sounded like someone speaking, but he couldn't make out who it was. Then, everything went black for a minute before his eyes opened up, seeing his mom standing in front of him.

'Wilhelm, wake up. You were talking in your sleep again," his mom said, leaning over him.

He looked around, and remembered that this was Christmas break, and he had gone home for the holiday. He also remembered how he had left Hillerska, how he left Simon. Or, should he say, how Simon left him. He rolled on his side, facing the wall and turning away from his mom. He couldn't face her, because of what she made him do. He shouldn't have said it wasn't him in the video. It was because of that, that he lost Simon. He lost his world.

"I think I'm going to stay here for a little bit...." Wilhelm said, his voice trailing off. "I may go back to sleep."

"It's Christmas Eve Wilhelm! We should be spending it together as a family, especially after...." his mom trailed off, her voice becoming sad.

It would be their first Christmas without Erik. None of them we're ready to face the fact that he was gone. Wilhelm especially, since if he was alive, he wouldn't be in the spotlight. He could still be with Simon. The world wouldn't have their eyes on Prince Wilhelm, but on Prince Erik instead. It would have saved him a lot of trouble, not to mention it would be nice to have his brother here, to have someone to talk to. Someone who knew the pressure of being in the royal family.

As for the rest of his family, there was his cousin August, whom Wilhelm was pissed at. August was the one who filmed him and Simon. The one who posted it, who let the whole world see something that happened in his private room. August was a reason he lost Simon, and he wanted August to pay. He shouldn't have been forced to come out, it should have happened when he was ready. Now, the entire school knows it was him, because of his dorm. The world suspects it was him, even though he denied it.

"Okay, I'll leave you be. Please come downstairs soon and join us. We love you Wilhelm," his mom said, leaving his room at once.

Wilhelm was left alone in silence. He laid still, fearing what consequences that even moving a centimeter could have. After everything, he didn't know how much more he could take. He just wanted to live a happy life, with someone he loves, and be filled with support. He didn't ask for this. He didn't ask to be royalty, or be gay. It's just a part of him, and he has to live with that, even though it may be hard at times. It's who he is, and nothing can change that. Not his parents, not August, no one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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