"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!" Jake screamed, dashing up the stairs. The Duskull creakily turned around and gave chase.

"Jake, wait!" Tess cried, running after them. Play was left on his own, quite speechless at what just happened. After what seemed like an hour, his legs obeyed and he went up the stairs, but came to a dead end.

"Strange." He stated. Feeling the wall, it was solid. A split second later, a blue zigzag shot past his head, down the stairs and into a room, down the corridor. Play had no intentions of giving up finding his friends, but felt impelled to track down the source. The gaps between the stairs groaned with each step. With Flaafy in tow, they explored a room furthest away from him. Inside, was a music room, a piano sat at the back wall, the keys covered in an inch of dust, a table with sheets of music scattered. Flaafy however, investigated a jukebox in the corner, pulsating with a strange energy. A strange buzzing noise accompanying it. Flaafy touched it, and then the jukebox exploded.

"Get down!" Play yelled. Flaafy ducked just in time, as a blue lightning bolt struck the ground an inch away from Play, it formed a strange, ghost like figure and zoomed down the hallway.

"Flaafy, let's go after it!" Play commanded, already sprinting out the door. The ghost was so fast, that just as Play got out the door, it was already up the stairs. Then everything went quiet. Play strained his ears and listened carefully. A light thump came from upstairs.

"How am I gonna get upstairs?" Play asked himself. Flaafy came out the room. Play ventured up the stairs, and to his surprise, it was no longer blocked off.

"Something sinister is going on here." Play stated to his Pokémon. "We need to find Jake and Tess, and then get out of this creepy place." Flaafy nodded it's head in agreement. The same buzzing noise could be heard from down the hallway. Play followed his ears, and found the correct room. Pushing the door open, it was a bedroom. Compared to the rest of the house, which was an absolute wreck, the bedroom was neat and tidy. The sheets were folded, curtains drawn, wardrobe and drawers without a speck of dust, a leather bound book lay smartly on the bed. Feeling compelled, he opened the book. The second he turned the first page, a terrible sucking noise like a vacuum cleaner could be heard. The doors for the wardrobe slammed open and began sucking everything inside.

"Grab onto something, Flaafy!" Play called, but it was too late, the electric type was sent flying through the air, and the doors clamped over it like a mouth.

"NOOO!" He screamed. Play tried desperately grabbing the bedpost. But after a few seconds, he couldn't hold any longer, and his fingers gave way. He shot through the air, and the whole world seemed to tumble and spin around him. Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Play found himself upside down, and when he came to his senses, the confused Pokémon trainer found himself in the same room, but this time, it matched the rest of the house, the sheets were tossed around, pillows exploded, carpet torn to shreds, curtains discarded in an overflowing bin. But the best part of it, were that Jake and Tess were that.

"Play!" Tess cried, running over to him and giving him a brief but meaningful hug. Meanwhile, Jake looked utterly destroyed. 

"What even just happened?" Play asked aloud, barely recounting the bizarre events that had led up to this point.

"Well, after Jake screamed and ran up the stairs." Tess began. Jake rolled his eyes. "I followed him, and then found him cowering in the corner of this bedroom, except there was this book, and when I opened it, there was all this wind, and then, that's where we are now."

"That wasn't exactly what happened." Jake said, butting in. Now it was Tess's turn to roll her eyes. But all of this did't make Play feel any better, this mansion was a strange place, and normal wardrobes don't just slam open and suck people and Pokémon inside them.  But then, a buzzing noise could be heard, and it was very nearby. Tess turned her head, and saw an old gameboy sitting on the bedside table. Play swore it wasn't there before, but he didn't know what to think inside this place anymore. 

"Flaafy, zap it!" Play said. Flaafy shot a short, but powerful zap at the gameboy. Then all the colours on the inside of the gameboy seemed to spill outside. Enveloping Play, Tess and Jake.

"What's happening?" Jake cried.

"The Gameboy must have been overridden with power!" Was Play's swirly, static response. Within, seconds, Play found himself in a sea of yellow coloured pixels. He looked down at his own hands, and saw he was a tiny, pixilated character, just like in the old Pokémon games. Play turned and saw Jake and Tess were in the same situation, he opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Jake attempted this and failed. With no choice, Play had to find the source of this, or risk being trapped inside a dusty Gameboy forever.

The only building in sight, was a huge, tall, purple building, with dark windows that chillingly resembled that of Fortulose Mannor. Play slowly walked inside, he also noticed that his movement was reduced to a pattern, he could only move on square of pixels in any direction, disorienting, but with any luck, it would stay that way. As soon as he appeared at the door, an orange coloured, ghost like Pokémon appeared, still in static

No data available

Play reached for a Pokéball, and his fingers closed around just one. He quite rapidly opened it.

"Please don't be empty." Play silently begged. "Please don't be empty!" It wasn't empty, an unusually chubby Pikachu was sent out, then Play had an idea.

"What if I can use an electric type move to eject us out the gameboy!" Play thought, with no way of speaking, he simply pointed at the Pokémon, and Pikachu set out a banger of a Thunderbolt, the mysterious Pokémon flashed blue several times, before the same transformation happened before, but in reverse. Soon enough, the group found themself in the same bedroom as before.

"What the hell was that!" Jake demanded. "And what was that Pokémon." Tess shuddered.

"I haven't a clue." She said, in a concerned tone. "But at least Play was there to save the day." Play felt old warm inside at such praise, he hated being modest, but really, Tess or Jake could've had an electric type.

"Let's leave this Place!" Jake growled. At that moment, the Pokémon from before was sent flying out of a gameboy, and it caused a flash of blue, it momentarily blinded Play, and Jake rubbed his eyes, but that was before he tumbled backward onto the floor. This time, Play's pokedex was glad to provide him with information, and the mystery Pokémon was revealed.

Rotom, the plasma Pokémon, This Ghost type can enter it's electric like body into several different machines and wreak havoc with them. It currently has 5 known forms, Rotom-Heat, Rotom-Wash, Rotom-Frost, Rotom-Fan, Rotom-Mow, each have a different type. And because of this, intense research is commit on this Pokémon

"I've never even heard of a Rotom before!" Jake protested. "I would have known how to deal with it." But neither listened. This! Was capable of changing it's type, and it was a non legendary, quite impressive.

"Surround it!" Play called. This turned out to be a great call. Rotom was overwhelmed and backed itself against a wall. Play was about to think about how he was gonna catch it, when a black blur entered the room. Play backed away as a cloak wearing figure around his height stormed in and muttered,

"What a great Pokémon! A fine addition to my team." The figure, instead of using a Pokéball like any normal person, he produced a glass case out of nowhere, and caught the Rotom team rocket style. He then swiftly turned around. Play spotted a brilliant blue pupil amongst the cloak, before it was lost in the seemingly endless coils of cloak.

"Shuppet, GO!" The figure said sharply. A rather bubbly looking Shuppet was sent out, and giggled.

"Shadow sneak!" The figure commanded. He turned around again, his brilliant diamond eye flashing, He then touched his Pokémon with one hand, and the three were whisked away, right out the window, causing glass to shatter onto the shabby floor.

"I don't even know what to say anymore." Play stated.

"I don't either." Tess simply said. "But I won't be sleeping a wink tonight."

After that experience, let's just say that Fortulose mannor did not contain it's three inhabitants for much longer, let's just say...in fact, let's not say. Only see.

"Good morning!" The lady chirped in the connection between what was supposed to be route 10 an route 9. Jake fainted.

Pokemon Brick Bronze: A novelWhere stories live. Discover now