Chapter 29: the dream world

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Katsuki Bakugo

I' an unfamiliar room. My father is here..and is wearing a suit I've also never seen before in my life, and seems to be fixing his hair in a mirror, not seeing me stood in the doorway. He turned, smiling at me and immediately wrapped me in a big hug, ruffling the back of my hair. I'm happy..I want it, I can tell he's proud of me. I'm proud of me. It's a big day... it? Something feels important, but I've got no idea what the hell it is. Shoto isn't with me, but right now that's ok, it feels like he shouldn't be. I think he's probably with his mother...yeah, would make the most sense right now.

My father is fiddling with a...a clip on flower? Why the hell is he wearing...wait, why the hell am I wearing one of them?! This thing...surely not! They only mean one of two things, and this sure as hell isn't a funeral, so...

Am I at a wedding?

Why would I...who's wedding? And why am I....OH! Is it my wedding? That would explain...everything, I guess...woah...I'm getting married? How old am I? Where's Shoto, is he happy too, where's the hag, is she happy?  So many question, so few answers, but I'm just here for the ride. I'm an organised guy, I'm sure I've got this all under control! I wouldn't go gung-ho into my fucking wedding day, I know that for sure.

My suit is goddamn gorgeous! Royal blue was always my colour, and fuck if I didn't pull it out of the bag today. It was a gorgeous 3-piece, a dark tie to match it as well, and made me look like the most suave motherfucker in the city, and I couldn't be happier with it.

Two of my questions from earlier were answered then, as my mother came waltzing into the room, wearing the most elaborate dress I've ever seen, a slim green one with a slight wave design across it, and complimented with a jade pendant around her neck. She looked....alright.

She was proud of me too. Crying, so it was a relief she hadn't put make up on (yet, at least). This time, I let her hug me, it wasn't like usual. It made sense today, didn't get on my nerves, and didn't warrant being pushed away. It wasn't often I let her do it, so it felt special when I did. She obviously felt this as well, and when she let go, she kept a hand rested on my cheek, eyes welling up in pride. It was on Dad to keep her from clinging to me forever, and he pried her off me, doing a good job at controlling her emotions, which she clearly couldn't do herself.'s suddenly time to go. I'm walking alongside my mother, leading me through the chapel at to the front, passed an array of people I know. Shit Hair was already stood up the front...of course he'd be the best man, and wore a horrendous red suit that matched his hair. It seems that all the idiots were colour coded, Kaminari in yellow, Mina in pink, Sero in black, and Kaminari's stupid boyfriend in Purple. The latter looked most displeased with the suit, but he was such a pushover it didn't matter anyway. Kami was a good match for him, for all the wrong reasons.

I shot Ponytail a quick glance as I saw her stood on the opposite side of the stage at the front, besides that rocker chick she was finally dating. They'd been courting since the first goddamn year of uni, and it's been at least three years since then, I can tell based on how old everyone looks. She was glammed up as if it were her own wedding, evidently in a very expensive getup that no one else here could even think about affording, the rich bitch!

I didn't have too long to think about how annoying she was though, as it didn't feel like long until Shoto came walking through the doors at the other end of the large hall, looking absolutely ethereal. His suit was plain white, shining against the black suits of many in the crowd. His hair had been blended together, and was tied at the back in a small bun, keeping its symmetry despite the change in style. He looked...he looked like an angel, sent to earth to grant me a wish. And it would be to marry him, to be with him forever. looked like my wish was coming true.

He was nervous. I could see it. I gently reached a hand out to squeeze his as the minister started speaking, a gentle amount of comfort to reassure him that this was really happening, and that I was here for him.

We'd apparently written funny vows, they came to me like an apparition, and the whole audience was laughing like crazy. Shoto's laughs were awkward, nervous with the occasion, and it only made me want to be with him more. To be honest, it all went by in a little bit of a whirlwind, and before I knew it, we were dancing. I didn't know the song, but he picked it, since it was the first he ever heard. It meant something.

The dance was slow, affectionate, and full of passion. We were both absolutely goofballs, drunk on the atmosphere, and stumbling around the floor like a couple of high meerkats, both laughing our heads off. I could see all both my parents and his mother stood together, all with proud faces. Except my mother, who's so pissed she can hardly stand without support.

This...this is what I want.

I think....yeah, I think the next chapter will be the end. This fic has been one of the best to write so far, and I have a pretty cool idea how I want to end it.

Fact of the Day: this is the first whole chapter I've done without any spoken dialogue! (It's because no one
speaks in your dreams!)

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