Chapter 9: solitary company

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Shoto Todoroki

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That's how my heart feels at the moment. Thumping and thumping like crazy. It felt as if it might pop out of my chest, which was tight with the vibrations going through it again and again. Walking down the hall towards the stairs, my legs felt like rubber, and I wanted nothing more than to collapse into a writhing pool of in-love.

Seeing Bakugo pay attention to the sign, and to remember it, was absolutely breathtaking for me. There were very few people that were so perceptive of sign language that they remembered it first time around, but he had done so with little difficulty. It was a nice gesture, and I was hopeful that it meant he reciprocated from my clues. Ok, maybe touching his hair was a step too far, and I have no doubt Momo will scold me for it, but who cares?! Not him!

It was also sweet of him to make sure not to scare me as he woke me up. His consideration caught me off guard all the time, especially after hearing the many stories from Momo about him "problematic" too general? He was, in her words, "a foul-mouthed troublemaker", but to me he was none of those things. Perhaps a little blunt at times, and I could sense a playful soul in him, but he managed to come across in a charming way, plus he looks to be pretty self-confident.

My only disappointment from the evening was that I couldn't listen to his vibrations again. Kirishima being there sort of prevented that, but it wasn't quite the end of the world. I'm sure Momo will be ecstatic to hear about what happened, and I'm also intrigued as to what's going on with her and Kyoka.

Those two have been teasing things for months, and everyone thought they were already together, they've just both been too scared to ask the other. It was infuriating from my perspective, as I'd told both of them just to go for it, and neither ever did! I was desperate for tonight to be different, for Momo to finally seize control and ask the all-important question.

Did I think she would? Hell no!

Was I correct? Hell yeah!

"Why didn't you just tell her?!"

"I don't know, I just got kind of scared!

"Why though?! You two are both totally smitten with each other!"

"Yes but it's a hell of a lot easier to say it to you than her!"

"Well just imagine she's me then!"

"Well no, then she won't date me because you wouldn't date a girl!"

"Ughhhhh, just ask her next time you see her, ok? Don't make me ask for you~"

"Shut up! How was your little date with your psycho crush?"

"He is most definitely not a psycho! He's sweet!"

"Maybe he's a sweet psycho!"

"There's no such thing Momo!"

"Anyway! How was it?"

"It was ok really, I wasn't there long. I broke one of your rules though~"

"What?! Which one?"

"I touched his hair. It was really soft, like a cat's fur"

" still have all your fingers?"

"Yes. Because he's not a psycho! He also signed 'thank you' to me as I left. Ok, I taught him how, but he remembered it!"

"Do I really need to keep acting shocked whenever he does something out of character?"

"You shouldn't. Maybe you're just a bad judge of character!"

"Maybe, but everyone thinks Bakugo is crazy. It's the anger that does it, trust me. He might be acting nice, but don't push his buttons, or he'll make life hell for you"

"I wish everyone would stop saying that stuff! He could be really upset by stuff like this!"

"I guess...I'm sorry for doubting your boyfriend, Shoto..."

"He's not my boyfriend...yet!"

"Oh? What was that?"

"Must be going crazy, I haven't a clue"

"I'm sure..."

"Yeah, so we just sort of chilled out, it wasn't a difficult evening. I also managed to fall asleep like an idiot, and he let me sleep for a little while as well!"

"...and you tell me that me and Kyoka are bad"

"Yeah well, I haven't known Bakugo for over a year!"

"Yes, but you two are already so perfect for each other that it doesn't matter!"

"And how might you know that, given your lack of knowledge of his personality?"

"Listen, I am well-versed. I know things, got it?

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say Momo."

"Don't give me that stupid pout, be happy! Your crush seems to be pretty into you!"

"I guess he did...he smelled nice again"

"Shoto, tell me you don't have a kink for aftershave"

"I don't, I don't! It's just nice when someone you like smells pleasant!"

"And what does 'pleasant' smell like to you?"

"...a bit like a hot caramel sauce. Sweet, but some heat behind it too"

"God, your nose must be amazing!"

"Heightened senses. Haven't I explained that?"

"No, you have, I just didn't realise quite how good it was"

"It's a pretty strong scent, hard to miss"

"Well anyway, you've really latched on to Bakugo, haven't you? One of you needs to do something soon!"

"Says you, Mrs 'I got scared'"

But she was right. I really had latched onto Bakugo.

And it was gonna take a lot to drag me away from him!





Fact of the Day:if it wasn't obvious, both the title and last line are from the song 'Africa' by Toto (is it technically dark humour for Shoto to quote songs...😕)

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