eleven: stars

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Yeonjun's POV:

I lowered my mask once I stepped into the bakery, seeing Soobin softly smile at me from the other side of the counter. He looks different, almost like the smile was forced instead of genuine. I scrunched my eyebrows but shook it off as I walked closer to him. He already had my coffee and pastry ready for me on the counter, leaning against the counter as he quietly said, "Good morning."

I was confused by his sad tone, "Good morning..." I replied nonetheless, giving him a smile to try and lift his mood, "You're prepared." I laughed out, referring to him already having my food ready.

He didn't laugh with me, just forced another smile as I took my wallet out of my back pocket, "Yeah. Had some extra time."

I pursed my lips as I handed him the money, not being able to hold back anymore, "Are you alright?"

He nodded shyly as he pressed a few buttons on the register, "Just stuff, you know?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Soobin hesitated before he shook his head, closing the register and pushing my food towards me. He barely even looked at me, making me squat a little to get in his line of sight, "If you want to, just text or call, ok?"

He brought a hand up, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck as he nodded. I sighed, reaching my arm out to gently place my hand on his shoulder. I rubbed up and down to give him a little comfort, finally locking our eyes together as I saw the blush spread across his cheeks, "I hope your day gets better."

His lips pursed into a thin line, a dimple popping as he quietly replied, "Thanks, hyung... I hope your day isn't too tiring."

I gave him a soft smile back, "I just have a recording for Music Bank to do, so it shouldn't be too bad."

"I love your new song..." He replied, making me smile wider, "It makes me want to dance."

"It's supposed to..." I simply replied, wanting him to be ok again, "Seriously, just text me if you want to talk."

He nodded, "I will."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

hey you doing anything rn?

no why?

I'm star gazing at the park
You gotta come see the stars

ummm... idk

it might help to clear your head

ok... I'll be there in five

I'm in the middle of the big field. I'm the only one here

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey." I heard a voice say to my side, making me instantly turn my head. I smiled when I saw Soobin, not even hearing him walk over to me before since I was so focused on the stars.

"Hey..." I replied, scooting over a little on the blanket I had spread out. I patted the space next to me, "Come lay down."

Soobin hesitated before laying down on the blanket next to me, our shoulders brushing up against each other. I put one hand under my head for more support and the other by my side while Soobin intertwined his fingers and placed his hands on his stomach.

We were both quiet for a minute before Soobin asked, "What brings you out here?"

I softly smiled, "It's peaceful, and the stars are beautiful tonight."

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