"Mana diorang semua ni oi?(Where are they oi?)" Captain Papa question as he look out the window of the control room of the ship with Cattus and Ochobot by his side.

Ochobot scan the area and finally spotted the group. "Tu diorang, Captain Papa!(There they are, Captain Papa!)"

"Panjang umur!(Finally, they're here!)" Captain Papa then move out to greet them but looks like a certain someone is already there to beat him.

"Sampai pun. Pahal lama sangat?(Finally arrived. What took you so long?)" You, who's sitting down on a tree near the ship, said.

BoBoiBoy, who's now returned back to his normal form, sheepishly rubbed his nape. "Hehe, lama sangat ke tunggu?(Hehe, is it that long?)"

You gave him a knowing smile. "Oh, tak lama pun. Cuma....2 JAM SETENGAH MENUNGGU!(Oh, not that long. Just.....2 HOUR AND A HALF OF WAITING!)"

BoBoiBoy gulped down his saliva after your sudden outburst. "Hehe, sorry."


The group follow you inside as Captain Papa finally there to greet the five. Ochobot, you and BoBoiBoy left the group to restore the power sphere power back in the power sphere resting room after reporting back to Commander Kokoci and Admiral Tarung.

"Apa nama power sphera ni? Aku lupa.(What's the power sphere name? I forgot.)" You asked as you leaned at the doorway.

"Kalau tak silap lah, namanya Gamebot.(If I remember correctly, it's Gamebot.)" BoBoiBoy answered.

"Gamebot? Dia buat game ke apa?(Gamebot? It made games or what?)"

BoBoiBoy shrugged at your question. "Ochobot, boleh tak kau bagitau kitorang apa kuasa dia ni?(Ochobot, can you tell us what its ability?)"

Ochobot nodded and give the said white power sphere a brief scan.

"Dari data yang aku kumpulkan, Gamebot merupakan power sphera yang mempunyai kuasa untuk menghantar sesiapa sahaja ke dunia game yang diimpikan. Gamebot juga boleh membuat character didalam game tu menjadi nyata.(From the data I collected, Gamebot is a power sphere that has the power to send anyone into the world of game that they desire. Gamebot can also make the characters in the game become real.)" Ochobot explained.

You raised a brow. "Fuyo, gila cool!(Whoa, this is crazy cool!)"

"Dah berapa lama korang duk sini? Takde tempat lain ke nk lepak?(How long have you two been sitting here? Is there nowhere else to hangout?)" Fang said so suddenly as you jumped forward to BoBoiBoy.

"Aiyaaa, kau ni Fang, tak payahlah terkejutkan aku.(Aiyaaa, Fang, you don't have to startled me.)" Fang raised his hands up like a criminal with his face spoke 'sorry'.

"Hebat jugak kuasa Gamebot ni.(This Gamebot power sure is amazing.)" Yaya commented.

"Alah, kuasa aku lagi hebat. Boleh tukar jadi makanan tau.(My power is much more amazing. I can turn things to food, yanno?)"

The squad only rolled their eyes at the chubby guy namely, Gopal.

"Meow." Cattus meowed as he walked in the room with the other four and quickly climb up to you.

Suddenly, you can sense the very familiar presence of Adudu and his companion as you peek out of the room, only to find Adudu and Probe, running to you and your friends. "Weh, Adudu ada kat luar! Tutup pintu!(Guys, Adudu ia outside! Close the door!)"

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