Barbara Gordon: You can count on me.

Batman: Let's do this!

Batman, Zatanna, Constantine, & Etrigan enter the portal as it closes behind them.

Alfred Pennyworth: I guess all we have to do now is wait.

Damien Wayne: What could go wrong?

Barbara goes up to the Batcomputer and logs on to check on Gotham. She sees that the Batsignal has been lit.

Barbara Gordon: Now what?

Tim Drake: What's up?

Barbara Gordon: The signal is up. Tim, Damien, you guys go check it out and see what's wrong.

Tim Drake: Sure.

Tim & Damien put their masks back on and hop on Tim's motorcycle as they ride away to GCPD. While the Robins go to check out the Batsignal, Hannah changes out of her Batgirl suit and into regular clothes as she heads up to Wayne Manor as she sits down on the couch in the living room. Dick & Barbara follow Hannah into the living room to start a conversation

Dick Grayson: Something on your mind?

Hannah Baker: What happens next?

Barbara Gordon: They get your soul back...

Hannah Baker: I meant after. What happens after I get my soul back? I become the old Hannah Baker again, all smiles & feelings. I can't even go back home. Everyone still thinks that I'm dead, how would I explain my resurrection? They're probably think that I faked it.

Barbara Gordon: Nobody is going to think that you faked your suicide.

Hannah Baker: What do I say, I was brought back against my will, brained washed, trained to be an assassin, & killed Bryce Walker, Marcus Cole, & Montgomery de la Cruz?

Barbara & Dick didn't know how to respond to that.

Hannah Baker: I can't go back to my old life anymore, especially if the League of Assassins are still my trail.

Dick Grayson: We'll deal with them, together. We've stopped them countless of times.

Hannah Baker: And yet they keep coming back.

Dick Grayson: We'll figure something out. When Bruce comes back, he'll figure it out some way.

Hannah Baker: That's if he comes back.

Barbara Gordon: He will. He's been through worse.

Hannah Baker: Worse than hell?

Dick Grayson: You have no idea.

Tim & Damien arrive to GCPD. They use their grapplers to make their way to the roof of the GCPD where the Batsignal is lit.

Red Robin: Commissioner? Commissioner Gordon?

They look around but nobody's there. Then the Batsignal gets turned off.

Talia al Ghul: No, not the commissioner.

Talia reveals herself to the Robins.

Robin: Mother?

Talia al Ghul: Hello, son. Surprise to see me?

Red Robin: Talia? What are you doing here, where's the commissioner?

Talia al Ghul: He's fine. No one knows we're here.

2 Assassins emerge from the shadows with someone with a sack on their head as they remove it and reveal the girl to the Robins.

Jessica Davis: (Crying) What the fuck?

Talia al Ghul: Meet Jessica Davis, Hannah's former best friend.

Jessica Davis: (Crying) Please, help me.

Red Robin: Let her go!

Talia al Ghul: In do time.

One of the assassins draws out their sword and puts it near Jessica's throat, much to her horror.

Robin: Mother, she has nothing to do...

Talia al Ghul: Oh, Damian. She has everything to do with this. Along with her friends & Hannah's parents.

Red Robin: What did you do to them?

Talia al Ghul: Nothing, yet. But their fate is in Hannah's hands.

Red Robin: What do you want?

Talia al Ghul: Hannah. You tell her to met us at the abandoned subway station in Amusement Mile in 90 minutes. If she's not there when the time is up, we will kill her, her friends, & her parents.

Jessica Davis: PLEASE HELP!

Robin: Fine, we'll tell her.

Talia al Ghul: And tell her to come alone. If my beloved or any of you even dare to come, we will kill them.

Talia throws down a smoke pallet as it surrounds the roof. Once the smoke was cleared, they were gone.

Robin: What do we do now?

Red Robin had no choice. He knew he had to do the right thing by telling Hannah of Talia's ultimatum. The lives of Hannah's friends & her parents depended on it.

Retribution: A 13 Reasons Why/Batman CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now