Ch. 34 Catalyst...

Start from the beginning

Hitoka and Kiyoko look at you sympathetically then they both lean in to hug you, sandwiching you between them. "Regardless of how it turns out, you know we are here for you no matter what, right?" Kiyoko says.

"Exactly, if he wants to be a big dummy then we got you. You need to avoid him or whatever, you just tell us and we will help in whatever way we can. He may be our friend but you are too." Hitoka says.

"And if it turns out for the better then we will be right there to celebrate with you!" Kiyoko bubbles

"Thanks guys... I think I'm gonna ask him when I see him at the festival. I want to do this in person and he's going to be busy all week with his internship. This is definitely something we should discuss face to face."

"Yeah I think that would be best too. Ooooo that means we definitely have to make you look all pretty for the festival!" Hitoka exclaims


After hopping around from store to store all afternoon you finally feel like you've found the perfect dress.

"Ooo y/n that looks beautiful on you, don't you think Hitoka?" Kiyoko comments

You came out of the dressing room wearing a short modern style cross between a kimono and a dress.

You came out of the dressing room wearing a short modern style cross between a kimono and a dress

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"Yes! I definitely agree with you. What do you think y/n?" Hitoka questions.

You stand in front of the mirror giving yourself a little twirl causing the sheer skirt flair out. Turning this way and that to get a view of the angles and how it lays against your body. Finally with a big smile you turn towards your companions. "Definitely, this is absolutely the dress I should wear. Thank you for helping me find it, you two are the best!"

"I think Tsukki's gonna love it" Hitoka says.

Kiyoko laughs "Only until it drops to the floor..."

"Kiyoko!" You scold laughing "Oh my goodness what has dating Tanaka done to our poor sweet innocent Kiyoko!" You feign dramatically.

Kiyoko laughs agreeing that Tanaka's sense of humor has started to rub off on her a bit.

"Speaking of that... how have you two been? You guys are always asking how my weirdo relationship with Kei is going. Give me some normal relationship news. Please I'm begging you!" You laugh quietly.

"It's going really good. It's weird cause it's so natural between us. It's like we've been dating for years even though it's only been a couple months." Kiyoko explains

You look to her with hearts in your eyes feeling such happiness for her and her relationship with Tanaka. You're a hopeless romantic at heart and even though your own love life is complicated at the moment you still feel joy for someone else's less complicated and happy relationship.

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now