*mention of drug use and alcohol*

I arrive at John bs house and notice the lights were off but the vehicles were still here.
I text him
'Dude where you at? Light off no one home?'
I wait for his response.
I smile and get out of my car grabbing the bag of powder stuffing it into my pocket and run to the start of the drive way and run down the road to the boneyard. I was lucky that he only lived a block away from it as we could just walk back absolutely hammered.
I hear the loud music and walk onto the beach and find Jj.
"Oh my gosh hey Girly" some random girl says and I just walk past her ignoring her. "Amber you made it" I feel someone touching my back. I spin around to see it was John B. "Of course I did. Where's JJ?" I ask. "Did someone say my name" the blonde boy says walking up to us. I pull him in for a hug "I got free marshmallow. Wanna do some?" I whisper in his ear. He pulls back and smiles.
Marshmallow was our code word so no one else knew that we had drugs on us.
"Say less" he responds and drags me away to a secluded area. I pull the bag out of my pocket and shake it. "Where did you score that from?" JJ asks. "A source" I say pouring the powder onto the rock next to us. "Got anything to make lines?" I ask. "Shit yeah um here you go" JJ responds ripping off the can top from his beer. I laugh and use it to start the conga line.
It was one big line but we liked to call it the conga line.

"Alright ready? Meet you in the middle" I say lining my nose up with the powder. Jj does the same "3...2..1 go!" He yells and we did. I burst out into laughter and so does he. "WHOOO!" He yells out and I just laugh feeling it kick in. "Let's go back before anyone notices" I say getting up and grabbing JJs hand and run along the beach back to the party.
"Where did you guys just go to?" Pope says concerned. JJ and I just look at each other and laugh. "You two high again?!" Pope yells "shhhhhh" I say putting my finger up to his lips and just start laughing. "God how did I get here" he laughs looking up at he the sky. "Dude where's John B?" JJ asks breaking the laughter.
"Working the keg" Pope responds. JJ and I look at each other and run straight for JB to get a cup of beer.

"Can I see your liquor license?" I ask with an accent. John B turns around scared then laughed when he saw it was me. "Only if I can see some ID" he laughs again pouring me a cup then handing it to me. I skull half of it down as Sarah and Topper walk pass. "Hey Amber" she says softly before JJ interrupts "Sarah can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" "No thanks" she responds with a smile. "Is it not fancy enough for you?" He laughs in response. I stand back not wanting to be involved between both of my friends. "No we were just leaving" she responds before Topper butts in "Hey you know what I'll take it, thank you man. I appreciate it" he says smirking. "That's nice but I didn't ask you" JJ says back.

"If you said pretty please, maybe, but you didn't" he continues.
"Oh pretty please" Topper interrupts JJ before he finished his sentence.

"So Sarah you can have it" Jj says handing the cup to her when Topper decides to whack the cup out of JJs hand making it splash all over Sarah and I. That's when JJ grabs Topper and pushes him back when John B steps in front of JJ "No no no no no" he says trying to calm him down.
Maybe tonight I shouldn't have brought him drugs oh I fucked up.
"You're so funny man" Jj yells at Topper over John Bs shoulder.
"Dirty pouges!" Topper yells when John B turned straight around and pushed Topper.
"John B no he's not worth it! Stop" I yell getting in between the two when I feel Topper push me to the floor "get the fuck out of the way Amber!" He yells at me and I knew that set John B off. I look at John and he swings a punch right at topper and they start to fully fight. I feel someone pull me up dragging me out of the way of the boys. "Guys? Guys!" Sarah yells trying to get there attention but it fails as they continue to throw punches at one another. "John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?" Topper yells making John b tackle Topper into the waves. Suddenly the crowd of people on the beach start chanting fight over and over again. "John B stop let it go!" I yell. "You guys stop" Kiara joining in trying to stop them. "Topper! Stop!" Sarah now yelling too. "That's what I'm talking about! Come on!" JJ yells encouraging the boys. "JJ shut the fuck up! Guys stop!" I yell overtop of everyone.
"Come on Topper! Let's go!" John B yells at the other boy before Topper tackles John B, knocking him off his feet and standing over top of him. I see his hands grab Johns hair. I run to the boys and hit Topper in the side knocking him off John B. Then he stands up and punches me in the stomach making me cough before returning to drown John B. "Topper get the fuck off him" I yell. Not caring about what the people on shore are saying now. "Topper!!" I continue yelling before I hear someone walking behind me and standing over Topper the sounds of footsteps were replaced by a click. I look up and see JJ holding a gun up to Toppers head. I panic and get up and run to Pope on shore.
"Where the fuck did he get a gun from" I yell not caring about anyone but the boys in the water. "JJs got a gun!" I heard before people start running off.
"Jj stop!" Pope yells. "Put the gun down" Sarah still yelling at JJ. "Did you say something princess?" He yells back.
What the fuck happened when I was gone.
"Kie! Can you check your psycho friend!" Sarah turns to Kiara. When JJ releases topper and walks back to the sand.
"Okay everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island" he yells and aims the gun into the sky and fires two shots. I drop and hold my head "JJ what the fuck!" I yell.

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