I open my eyes to see sunlight beaming through the windows of John Bs room. I climb out of the bed quietly to not disturb him and walk to the bathroom to do my morning business.

Once I'm done I walk out to change into some fresh clothes.
"Shit I left my bag at Sarah's" I say out loud.
"What did you leave at Sarah's?" John B asks walking out of his room yawning.
"Just my bag. I'm gonna have to quickly go get it. I'll be back soon. No getting into trouble and for the love of god. Don't do anything fun without me" I say to JB smacking his arm walking towards the door to leave.
"Hey Amber! Don't you need these?" JJ says dangling my keys.
"Morning to you too sir" I say walking up to him and grabbing my keys and finally walk out the door and quickly text Sarah.

'Hey S I completely realised I left my bag in your room. I'm coming over to get it now as I need clothes. Love you' I press send and climb into my car. *Ding*
I look at my phone and my face just drops.

'Wrong Cameron princess. Nice to know I'll be seeing you shortly. Might even leave you a little something ;)'

"FOR FUCK SAKES!" I yell and start my car and reverse out of JBs drive before the boys question why I was yelling.

I speed down the main straight entering figure 8 and turn down Sarahs street slowly entering her drive. I see Rafes bike and car here meaning that he's home. God dammit. Why didn't I double check my text.
I park my car and get out slowly dragging my feet to the door and knocking on it. I look behind me to take in the view for a second when I hear the door open.

"Amber? What are you doing back so soon?" Ward asks with a smile. "Hello Ward, I left my bag here last night. It's up in Sarah's room, can I just go grab it?" I ask.
"Of course, you know you didn't even need to knock" he laughs and moves aside. I walk in closing the door behind me and walk towards the stairs.
I knock once again on Sarah's door incase she was getting changed or something along the lines. I hear nothing so I walk in, I see my bag lying in the same spot I left it but it has a note on it.

'Knew you were coming for this. Left a surprise in it for you like I said'.

I open it up and I see a little bag filled with white power. I could easily kill this man. What the fuck is his problem.
I quickly close my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I leave Sarah's room not looking back and storm straight into rafes room. I see him sitting on his bed playing a game on his phone.

"Youre one hell of a bastard. Thank you for the little gift but I only do it with special friends" I say to him.

"Ungrateful bitch. If you don't want it I'll gladly take it back" he raises his voice. I open my bag and pull the littler bag out and throw it at him.

"I don't want anything that belongs to you Rafe. I don't want anything to do with you" now raising my voice.

"Oooo you say that but I make you want something that belongs to me. That's in fact attached to me" he says smirking getting off his bed and walks closer to me.

"Unfortunately that would never happen because you're a full blown pouge. Maybe if you were still with your family... I would" he says still smirking. I've had enough I close my eyes not thinking of what I was about to do next.

I feel my hand instantly connect with his face.
What the fuck did I just do

I open my eyes and see him smiling.

"you're gonna wish you never did that" he says dropping the smile and instantly wraps his hands around my neck.

The funny thing was he wasn't squeezing hard enough for it to hurt or make me struggle to breath. If anything, it made me crave him more.

Kook prince - the pouge princess Where stories live. Discover now