Ah figure 8 and cringed internally at the thought of being here with nothing to do besides playing golf. The only thing I miss about this place is Sarah.

I finally reached my house and pulled into the drive way. I park my car into my brothers parking space as he wasn't home. I step out and take a deep breath and say to myself "it will be okay they're you're parents." I step inside "Hello!? Mom...Dad...Christian?" I yell out. I hear footsteps stopping towards me.

"Amber Synthia RockerFlee. You better have some good fucking excuse to be back home this time. Did you not get the message. We don't want you here unless you are not hanging around those filthy kids" my mother yells in my face.
"I just wanted to get clothes and to try fix things mom... but I guess I'll just grab my things and leave again if that's what you'd like" I reply with tears threatening to leave my eyes.

She sighs making me think there's some hope

"Actually now that you're here, your dad has a important business dinner with Ward Cameron and his family. Ward would like our whole family to come along so you are coming then you can leave straight after. Now go to your room and get ready. We leave in an hour." She says vastly and storms away.

Why me. Why did I not get and understanding family. Most importantly why do I have to go to the Cameron's. I haven't spoken to Sarah in a week and Rafe absolutely hates anything pouge related. Wheezie wasn't so bad. She was like a little sister to me.

I walk up stairs and open my door. My bedroom hasn't been touched which made me feel like my family did care a little bit. I walk into my wardrobe and grab a duffel bag and pack as much clothes as I can and throw it on my bed. Then I walk back in and grabbed a lavender dress that sat just below my knees. I paired it with some black platform sandals, I quickly put my hair into a messy bun. Then proceeded to put make up on, I had to look somewhat respectable as we were having dinner with one of the other wealthiest families on the island.

"Amber are you ready!? Your father and brother will be here in 5 minutes! Get your ass down here now." My mother yells out from downstairs. I sigh and walk down to see my mom.
"You know  what mum. Kiaras family lives on figure 8 just like me. Her prenats still love her why can't you?" I ask and look my mother dead in the eyes. She just shakes her head and on que my dad pulled up outside with his truck. We walk out in dead silence.

"Amber I hope you aren't hanging out with those filth ridden children anymore" my dad says as I enter the truck. My brother just laughs and I ignore his comment.

The car ride was silent. I was fortunate that it was only down the road. We enter the driveway and pile out of the car.
I put the biggest fake smile on my face and walk behind my brother.
"Hey Christian?" I ask. "Yeah?" He softly asked "Do you also hate me?" I ask with concern. He turns around "I don't know" He responds bitterly. The trouble was Christian was best friends with Rafe making it hard for my own brother to still treat me like his little sister.

I haven't even done anything. I've just got friends that I love who the whole of this side of the island disapproves of.

My dad rings the doorbell and Rose Cameron opens the door "Ah Bruce Christian and Jane, Wards just finishing dinner. Please come in" She says with a smile. "Oh and Amber, Sarah's been dying to have you here again. I hope you stay awhile" she says to me and brings me in for a hug.

Sarah and I have sleepovers from time to time and just do girly things. Talk about who we liked and all sorts.
"Thank you Rose" I say and embrace her back.
Rose was too kind for her own good.

"Right now follow me you lot" she says and walks us to the dining room. Sarah, Wheezie and Rafe were already seated and looks up at my family and I.
Sarah stands up too her feet "Amber oh my gosh hi!" She says with a burst of excitement. She didn't even acknowledge my family as she knew our situation. She came over and gave me a hug. "Girl do I have some tea to spill to you. Stay tonight please, pretty please" she begs. "As long as we watch gossip girl". I reply making her nod eagerly.

Kook prince - the pouge princess Where stories live. Discover now