Extra 2

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"That dumbass!" 

You were seething. 

Honestly, everything he did was an irritation at this point. You glared at the wall of your room, as you sat on your bed. You really just wanted your zanpakuto back so you could pummel him. It was unlikely you'd do much damage, but it would help with your mood right now. The door to your room opened, and Aizen stepped in. He closed the door, and your glare increased. "Give me my blade so I can give you a piece of my mind!"

"Why do you need a blade, you'll lose no matter the situation. "

Jumping upright, you paced. This time your attacks were vicious, uncalculated, aggressive. You punched and kicked as fast as you could, and he avoided every blow, merely moving his head or legs when appropriate. He took a few casual steps back. You were giving it your all, and Aizen wasn't even truly looking at you. His eyes glinted. He enjoyed this. Watching you get riled up.

"I HATE YOU!!!" 

He took a hold of both your wrists, and your attacks stopped.

"Do you really believe that?" your eyes wavered, and you were still slightly huffing from your frantic movements.


You barely believed anything anymore. You wanted to hate him, but you couldn't, not at all. It was much easier firing insults and attacks than admitting that you were still very much in love with him. His hands slid down your wrists, and you wanted to pull away, get away, but you couldn't. Not because of his hold, but because of the hold he held on your heart. You were weak to him, in every sense. He backed you up, and you fell onto the bed, shutting your eyes.

"Look at me." you opened your eyes hesitantly, trembling at the way his brown eyes seem to look right through you.

"I want you to look at me when I make love to you." your eyes grew wide, and before you could even question it, his body was towering yours on the bed. In an instant, his lips were on yours, and you offered no further resistance. One second your white robes were tied, and the next he was pulling the band at your waist free. The material slipped open, and you moved to cover yourself, but he stopped you with a kiss, and the very action was completely forgotten. Legs pressed together, you're in a state of shock. Not only are you letting this happen, but you're enjoying it. You gasp when you look down. He was right between your legs.

Aizen smirks.

"I hope you're ready to become mine."

You jump upright, pulling in desperate breaths.

Your legs were shaking, and you tried to rise out of the bed, but you could barely move your limbs. 

"What the hell..is this.."

Not only was this the first time you'd had such an explicit dream, but you were positive that the effects shouldn't have been this strong. This was something else, something different. You bit down on your lip, holding back the whimper. "Damn it.." How were you supposed to get any sleep like this?

~The Next Morning~

"Did you have a nice rest?" You stood in front of Aizen with a pissed expression. He raised an eyebrow. 

"To what do I owe such a look." 

He was grinning. Definitely enjoying this. 

 "You smug bastard!!" you rushed at him, and he didn't budge, just lifted his hand, grabbing your wrist. The second his skin touched yours, you flushed. Your legs gave out unexpectedly, and you dropped flat, knees spread apart. He released you in slight confusion. It always took more than just that to get you to calm down.

Sosuke Aizen Oneshot (Bleach)Where stories live. Discover now