Replay (Kujou Sara)

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"Hey. Do you remember the summer festival?"

A loud thump echos across the empty courtyard. Only to be followed up with a very quiet swear seeing that an arrow hit the outer edge of the target. A small chuckle then echos in the courtyard coming from the general of the shogunate's army, Kujou Sara. She just finished up a small warmup and walks right next to you and takes helps adjusting your footing and posture.

"The one where one of miss Naganohara's newest prototype fireworks lit your clothes on fire and you dived right into the ocean out of panic?" Sara says with a faint smile. "How can I forget it?"

"You're exaggerating." You reply with a small pout as you take up another arrow from the small barrel next to you. "Still. I can't ever forget that night."

Drawing the arrow back, you take your time to try and aim the shot for the center of the target a few yards away. Sara takes a small step back to watch your attempt once again. Finally loosening your fingers, the arrow flies to the target again, and like before, hitting the outer edge of the target.

"I seriously don't get how you're so good at this." You say with some disappointment.

"Mastering more than one weapon can be advantageous in battle." Sara replies, a bit stricter, or as you call it, her general mode.

"Using a spear works just fine for me." You complain more. "Speaking of which. That summer. Can't believe it's only been five months. It does feel like a dream came true."

Drawing another arrow and firing it. You miss the bullseye again. That was the fifth and final shot which meant it was Sara's time to take some shots. You turn to hand her the bow just to see a bit of a melancholic look in her eyes. When she meets her eyes, she snaps out of the daydream and looks at the target.

"Can't say I didn't expect you to ask me out. Still, I'm glad you did. Time by..." Sara says as she takes the bow from your hands.

She didn't even make eye contact with you. Taking your spot from where you stood and grabbing five arrows from the barrel. Taking a more refined posture as she knocks an arrow back on her bowstring, she aims for a target that was next to yours. She finally lets the arrow loose and lands a bullseye first, earning a small whistle from you.

"You're fired up this morning." You comment on her aim.

She doesn't respond to your little quip swing that she had already let loose her second arrow. Then the third. Then the fourth. Each of them hitting the bullseye on her target. She was pulling back her fifth and final arrow, the look on her face seemed sharp and focused. But there was something else there too. You've known Sara for a while now and you've learned do pick up some queue of when something wrong.

"Is something wrong? You know you can talk to me." You ask her earnestly.

The tengu general lets the fifth and final arrow. Unlike the other four, this arrow splits the first one she hit. A small number of electro sparks seemed to have also come out of the arrow she just fired too. You've seen her do her early five in the morning exercises and usually join her, but this was one of those very rare occasions where she was just on point. Normally she would be in a good mood if that was the case, but from her lack of any kind of reaction to her last shot, something seemed to have bugged her.

"Sara?" You call out her name.

"Huh? Sorry. I spaced out there for a second." Sara replies as she shakes her head briefly.

"You don't normally do that. Is everything okay?" You ask her earnestly again.

"It's... nothing..." Sara replies, but it was a blatant lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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