Jason reawakend

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After Teresa came yesterday you decided to just sleep it off the next morning benny and you opened the door it was empty it was like a tumble weed was gliding down across the hall way it was that empty.(btw your in a hotel)

"Love nothings out here" benny said in confusion
"What do you mean"I ask coming to the door
"Look"benny said
Benny closes the door thinking they could be round the corner waiting to strike.
"What if they have found Minho and winston"I question
"Then they better no open the door" benny says
"Imma just head back to sleep"you said worried
Benny joined you and you both went back to bed.

When you woke up you just laid there thinking about Jason and dr Ava page if they will ever reawaken to come to get you what if they sent Teresa what if they don't go away....

What if the glade reawakens and we get thrown back into it.

I tried not to think of such a thought how I felt coming up in the box....

I felt nothing
I was useless

I shook off all the thoughts but they never went and if I told benny or any of the other you already know there answer would be "your not useless we all love you" or at least something on the lines of that.

Bennys POV
I woke up to y/n sleeping in my arms I will I loved her I mean who couldn't love her.

I decided to let her sleep and I went over to the sofa and turn on the tv.
On the news
Children around the age 14-18 have been going missing one by one we don't have any leads on who has bin taking them but if anyone has any leads please dial 1148-2836-8194 (don't actually dial the number btw) benny grabbed the phone and called the number

On the phone /bennys POV
I called the number only to hear a
"Hello newt" said the mystery man on the other end of the phone
"How do you know my name" I said in confusion
"Well newt you remember you old pal Jason" the man said
Fury wound up in me
"Go away Jason leave us alone" I said with anger trying it to wake y/n up
"Come on newt just tell me where Thomas is and I will leave you all alone" the man said trying to stay calm
"I will never tell you we're Thomas is nobody will" I said trying to be brave when I was really worried
"Well this is a new war newt who do you think will win 5-10 kids or around 50+ adults come on newt use your common sense this isn't a war worth fighting" he said trying to persuade me
"Ya know what your right it isn't a war worth fighting" I said proudly
I knew Jason was smiling on the other end

I hung up the phone

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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