Day 15. Good vs Bad

Start from the beginning

''Tori can always give you a great view, or maybe Jeda.'' I joked.

''I know, but they're just always available for that type of entertainment. You're not.'' he explained.


'' We used to be so cool and be like good friends .'' he continued.

''I know. It's your fault why we're not anymore.'' I shrugged my shoulders and walked off to my lesson.

The sound of his footsteps were heard close behind me, forcing me to stop in my tracks. I turned around and leant against the wall, folding my arms.

We stood in the hallway, the sound of girls shouting and guys running were heard from down the hall.

''What do you want?'' I sighed, finally giving in.

''I don't know. It's just weird not speaking to you.''

''Well you have a whole school full of desperate girls that would love to chat to you, that's a suggestion.'' I mentioned.

''Yeah but they're not my friends.''

''Who said we were friends?'' I asked.

He didn't say anything and the same expression he had when Kyle sat in his seat, was the same expression he had at this moment. His temper rising up, the only thing I could do was remove myself from this situation.

I walked to my class and joined in with everyone else.

I then realised how rude I was.

Sometimes I should think before I speak.

- after school -

''How's your poetry going?'' I asked Kyle as he walked me home , once again.

''I got into an argument with Jason today so I got pretty pissed off and wrote a new one.'' he told me.

''You got into an argument with him? I kinda did too.'' I muttered.

''We're certainly not in his good books.'' Kyle joked.

I didn't feel like laughing, or smiling, or even showing a sign of happiness. Jason was actually a good person, all he did was ruin our assignment but there was no need for me to get all bitchy with him.

''What happened between you?'' Kyle pondered, looking over at me.

''He's just trying to sort things out between us and I can't be bothered. I've only been here for like .. 2 weeks.. and there's no need for me to be stressed out over a guy that kisses me , then dates my friend the next day. '' I babbled, the words coming out uncontrollably.

''Who's he dating?''

''Tori Sanchez, the one with the bright hair and septum piercing.'' I answered.

Kyle put an arm over my shoulder, '' Forget about it. He's dumb if he swapped you for her. ''

''She's my friend, so I can't really be angry at her.'' I explained.

''Are you serious Camilla? She's not a real friend if she dates a boy you've kissed..twice. ''

''Well.. I told her it was fine if they date and..''

''I'm not a professional at this stuff, but isn't it 'girl code' to not believe everything your friend says. If a girl says it's fine, don't believe her, it's totally not fine.'' Kyle interrupted.

''She doesn't know that I'm lying though, she thinks I don't care.'' I explained.

''Well then, Tori is not understanding the whole concept of girl code. Plus, is she even a girl? She looks like Kurt Cobain with blonde hair and septum piercing.'' Kyle laughed.

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