Chapter 4

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Percy was on the battle field . The monsters made their move. He swung his sword at a empousa. It was that stupid Tammi from the Titan war. Percy jabbed and blocked her advances. Soon with a crack , she disintegrated into thousands of particles of sand. Percy was now covered in the disgusting substance.

"Oh great." Percy muttered, clearly not happy.

Percy sprang to a quick sprint when he saw Nico being attacked two laistrygonian giants . Things may be awkward but Nico was still his cousin. He ran and slashed the creatures with his sword. They sunk to the ground and disappeared leaving behind sand. Nico was clearly hurt . Nico held his hand at his side and crashed to the ground. Percy moved Nico's hand to see an open wound. Percy panicked.

"Medic! Please! We need a medic ! Somebody! Anybody!help!" Percy cried.

Will Solace and his medical people dashed over and put him on a floating stretcher.

Demigods Stand Tall and Strong : F-R-E-A-K  A-T-T-A-C-K (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz