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Soda couldn't quite get that strange girl out of his mind. Ragged-looking young people weren't exactly out of place in this neighborhood, but there was something different about her. Her accent, for one. She'd barely said two words, but he could definitely tell she was not from around here. Then there was the hunted look in her eyes.

He thought she was going to faint dead away when he spoke to her, her face was so pale. Even after that, Soda could tell it was all she could do not to take off running. There was no doubt about it; she was in trouble of some kind. Probably on the run, but from where or who he didn't have a clue.

He'd kept an eye out for her on the walk home, but it was like she vanished into thin air. Several days had gone by and there was no sign of her, and Soda was figuring the mystery girl had moved on. He told himself it wasn't any of his business, that girls were nothing but trouble, but the image of those huge, dark eyes refused to leave him alone.

"She's long gone, so what are you worrying about," he muttered to himself.

With a sigh, he kicked a discarded soda can down the sidewalk. It rolled to a stop near a trio of guys huddled around the mouth of an alley. At first, Soda didn't pay them any attention then he caught sight of something pink between the black jackets. His legs slowed of their own accord and he peered closer.

A moment later he was shoving his way into the group.

The biggest of the guys gave him a dirty looked and snapped, "What're you doing?"

Carefully, moving his gaze between the three thugs, Soda folded his arms across his chest. "What are you doing?"

"None of your business, bub!" the guy on the left snarled.

"I just made it my business." Soda took a half-step forward. "Now get lost before I give you a reason to."

For a second, it seemed like they were considering jumping him, but then they apparently decided it wasn't worth it and stalked away with muttered threats.

Once he was sure they were gone, Soda turned to the girl cowering behind him. "Are you good?"

She nodded tearfully, her tangled hair falling her face. There was no doubt about it; she was the same girl from before. Had she been wandering the streets this whole time? She was lucky she hadn't gotten anything worse than some teasing.

The girl seemed to be catching her breath as she reached down shakily to retrieve her fallen bag.

"Thank you," she murmured softly. "I didn't know what to do."

"My pleasure, miss," Soda replied, sweeping the street one more time. "But you really shouldn't be wandering around by yourself. Those guys are small fries compared to some of the thugs around here."

"I know...," the girl said quietly. "I was lost in thought and... and I forgot to look where I was walking." She gave a tiny laugh. "I guess I sure was a walkin' target."

"Some guys don't get the picture, no matter what you do."

The girl's smile was wavering. "Yeah..."

Her eyes went kind of distant and she didn't say anything else. For a long moment, Soda just watched her. An idea was forming in his head, but he was sure Darry would kill him. But he couldn't just leave that girl standing on the street. Who know what would happen to her then?

"Do you need a place to stay?" The words were out of his mouth before he even had a chance to think.

The girl looked up at him, wide eyed in surprise. "What?"

"I know this is a little out of nowhere, but I couldn't help noticin'..." Soda awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "you look like you're sorta on your own at the moment. If you need somewhere to stay, at least until you can figure something else out, we can find some room. It'd be better than the streets anyway."

She just gazed up at him in silence.

"I live with my brothers, so it wouldn't be just the two of us, if that's what you're worried about." Soda didn't know why he felt like he was begging. "They're decent guys, too."

It was a long time before she said in almost a whisper, "I don't doubt it, if they're anythin' like you."

Several more moments passed before she spoke again. "But are you sure. I mean, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"You wouldn't be the first stranger we've taken in, so you got nothing to worry about."

When the girl didn't respond, Soda was sure she was going to refuse, but after staring thoughtfully in the direction the three guys had left, she gave a little nod and sighed.

"I would appreciate the offer. Thank you."

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