Chapter 6

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Adrian and Leria often met in the library after the trip to Hogsmeade to study or do homework together.They also often walked the lands at Hogwarts. Just before the Christmas holidays at dinner, Dumbledore has an announcement for the students.

"Now that everyone has eaten, I can bring you great news. Since the Christmas ball was very successful last time, the teachers decided to give the prefect students the opportunity to plan a Valentine's Day ball. In order to get more detailed information, the prefects should arrive at my office tomorrow after breakfast."

After these words, Leria left the great hall and did not know what to feel towards the ball. She will have to plan this and that is not so easy, and she also has to do homework. She will probably have to use the Christmas holidays for this.
She stays at Hogwarts anyway, as her parents will not be home again because of her work. Leria went to bed with her head full. But couldn't fall asleep for a while.

An unknown cemetery. You and Cedric and someone else. A green beam of light. Cedric dead. His grey eyes are empty.

Leria woke up. Sweat wet and about to burst into tears. It took some time for her to calm down.She got ready and went for breakfast. Still sad and powerless. She would love to stay in bed all day. At breakfast she didn't eat anything. She looked at her plate, but noticed that someone was staring at her all the time. It's Adrian. He looked at her worriedly. She hasn't told him about her dreams yet. But she doesn't intend to do it either, because she doesn't want to burden him with her Problems. After breakfast, she made her way to Dumbledore's office.When everyone was finally together, Professor McGonagall sent them upstairs. It wasn't the first time she's been in the principal's office. Last year she was here to look in Harry's memory from the cemetery.
Even the thought about the memories triggers goosebumps all over the body. 

"Ah, nice that you are all there. Take a seat," said the old man, pointed to the chairs.

The students hesitate slightly, but in the end they sit down.

"You are here because I will now give you more detailed information about the ball. The ball will only be accessible to fifth, sixth and seventh grade students. The ball is organized by you. But you can always ask the teachers for advice. But teachers will also be there on the ball. The ball will take place on February 14th. The great hall will be at your disposal. For today, that would be all. I wish you all a pleasant Saturday. If you have any questions, you can contact the teachers as I said."

Leria left the office and walked towards the lake. There was a small part of the shore, which was only known to a few students. She sat down on the cold ground and looked at the almost frozen lake. Even though it was already very cold, there was still no snow. Leria sits there for a while and reminds her that she was often here with Cedric and she always told him about all her problems.
But now. Now he can no longer comfort her. Leria's eyes filled with tears again. Someone sat down next to her. It was Adrian. Without hesitation, he took her in his arms and tried to comfort her. She started crying because she could no longer hide her feelings.

"I miss him. I miss Cedric so much. E-He was m-my B-Best Friend.... Almost every night I have the same nightmare where I see him die and I can't stand it any longer."

"Hey, shhh.. It will be again. You need to calm down... I am with you. I won't leave you alone," reassured Adrian.

Leria managed to calm down and felt that pleasant tingling in her stomach again. She felt safe again. Not so alone anymore. It was a good feeling.Adrian enjoyed the proximity to Leria. He can no longer imagine life without Leria.

For a long time, both sat on the shore of the lake. Adrian still had Leria in his arms. He didn't want her to cry. It broke his heart to see her sad.

"Tank you... Thank you for being there for me," Leria whispered to him, "But I think we should get back in, it's cold."

Adrian just nodded and took her hand. Together they went back to the castle and he accompanied them to the common room. To say goodbye, she gave a quick kiss on the cheek and said "Thank you" Again. Adrian saw Leria climb into the room and walked with a smile to his common room.

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